What I want out of life:
To finish school and have a career that I enjoy and make decent money from. With that, be able to support myself easily, and get to that point myself without people having to push me to get there all the time. I want to earn everything so I apreciate it more and have more respect for myself along with people having more respect for me.
I want to be happy.
What I need to do to get my shit together:
- Get a job and keep it.
- Be more reliable.
- Get things I need done before things I want to do.
- Get the title to my car.
- Get tabs for my car.
- Get car insurance.
- Pay off all my bills.
- Save up enough money to pay for my first quarter of school.
- Move out.
So far that's all I can think of, but right now I need to go get in the shower so I can have my drug test done for haggen by the time my shift starts at 11:30.
Oh yeah. My first day at Haggen was yesterday. It went well. It was extremely long, but I'll get used to it. I work from 11:30-:6:30 every day till Saturday. The hours kick ass. The apron doesn't really. Neither do all of the old people I work with but oh well. It's more than minimum wage which is great, and it's good hours. That's all I need right now.
I'm going to put this entry on my favorites so I don't lose it cause I really need to get that stuff done.
ugh. tired. shower.