I knooooow it's hella long but PLEASE fill it out anyway and I'll love you

Oct 16, 2004 19:39

Your name: Michelle Alexis Larae Nolan

Birthday: September 13, 1980

Age: the big two-four

Height: 5'7"

eye color: chocolate brown

Locale: ??? *guesses* New York?

School: none, yay!

Religion: Christian... there, how's that Kelly and Paris?

What are you wearing right now: Yellowcard shirt and plaid pants

Orientation: straight

Have you ever...

Been in love: I don't know

Left the country: yeah but just to like the Bahamas and stuff

Taken any illegal substances: nope

Gone out in public in your pajamas: yesh!

Set any body part on fire for amusement: once... I'm such a moron

Kept a secret from everyone: yes sort of but there's usually one person that knows

Actually thrown shoes onto a phone wire: no

Had an imaginary friend: tee hee I still do

Wanted to hook up with a friend: yeah..

Done something stupid to impress your crush: oh of course. this is ME we're talking about

Found a cartoon character attractive: Tarzan!

Ever at anytime owned a new kids on the block tape: um no

Planned your week based on the tv guide: once!

Been in an accident: I'm really trying hard to learn to skate well, haha. But I can't really stay balanced... John says that's cuz my boobs are so big and they're my center of gravity and my body goes in the direction that my boobs are... It's not very funny, I don't see why anyone would want boobs this size on purpose, they just make your back hurt. *frowns*

Lied: yeah but I don't anymore

Cut your hair: tee hee when I was little I tried to give myself bangs but that didn't go that well and I ran around with a huge piece of hair missing for a long time.

Worn a skirt: yeup I really like my plaid bondage one.

Worn a tie: yeah but only for Halloween cuz I dressed up like avril as a joke... but other than that, no cuz I'm not a guy and I never will be.

Been mean: yeah...

Gone for a walk: yeah duh!!! who hasn't?! (possibly some paranoid person that is afraid of "spores"....that's from The Secret Garden....if you've seen it then you know what I'm talking about)

Gone to the movies: yeah

Gone out for dinner: yesh

Felt stupid: lots of times especially recently when David pushed me and I fell. =)

Said "i love you": yes

Written a paper: yes unfortunately

Taken a test: yup too many

Written in a journal: yes....well I started one this summer but then I forgot all about it

Talked to someone you have a crush on: yes

Had a serious talk: I dig serious conversations (haha Jere <3)

Missed someone: mhmmm

Hugged someone: yes

Had a nightmare: yeah two nights ago

Fought with your parent: yeah

Fought with a friend: yes

Been scared: yeah lots of times


Favorite Food: hmmm cookies

Favorite Actor: Ben Stiller

Favorite Actress: Natalie Portman

Favorite Book: Can You Keep A Secret? ...... no really, that's the name.

Favorite Band: GC, Mest, SLR (of course), Finch, Yellowcard, Greenday, MxPx, Story Of The Year, Sugarcult, New Found Glory, Bright Eyes, Nekromantics, The Cure, Rancid, Taking Back Sunday, Brand New, Goo Goo Dolls...

Favorite Album: wow way too many

Favorite Tv Program: Degrassi! EFF YES!

Favorite Movie: The Lion King, TNBC, Peter Pan...

Soap: Pearberry and Country Apple from Bath and Body Works

Lip gloss: dunno....melon or peachy stuff. Oh and apple, obviously.

Colours: black, baby blue, purple, silver, and grey

Day/night: both, I play during the day and get mischevious at night

Commercial: the funny Degrassi one where the Asian chick is sitting there rubbing her hair.

Type of sandwich: don't like them

Coffee or hot chocolate: hot chocolate

Hot or cold: cold

Lace or satin: satin

Neve Campbell or Jennifer Love Hewitt: Neve Campbell.. she was really good in Scream

Tom cruise or brad pitt: ew, neither

Character on Saved By The Bell: no one cuz I hate that show

Character on 90210: never watched it

Character on the brady bunch: Peter (there is this one episode of changing personalities)

Wrestler: Sting but I don’t watch it very much

cartoon character: Spongebob or Zim

Blonde/brunette: brunette

Luke skywalker/han solo: Luke! duh!!! Starwars is the best!!!

Die by fire/water: water

Do you have a...

Boyfriend/girlfriend: yes a boyfriend and he is so awesome :)

Crush: i said i had a boyfriend!

Best friend: wow lots... I don't want to list. They all know who they are.

Do you rank your speed dial in order of favorites: no cuz I don't have it

Who do you go to for advice: my mom or John or David or Jere

Who knows all your secrets: David and... Paris *scratches head*

Who are you jealous of: I'm usually not jealous

Who do you cry with: David and Jere

What is your quote: You can't convince your head of something that's not true in your heart.... I MADE THAT UP! *grins*

When was the last time you...

smiled? just now because Paul tried to give me a wedgie

laughed? just now....(see above for more details)

cried? - today

danced? I dance all the time

were sarcastic? today, I think, or last night

kissed someone? this morning when I woke up

talked to an ex? two days ago

watched your favorite movie? on Thursday

had a nightmare? two days ago

last book you read: "TTYL" ... it was so weird O.o

last movie you saw: hmmm... the live GC DVD

last song you heard: The Perfect Ending, by us

last thing you had to drink: OJ

last time you showered: an hour ago

last thing you ate: French bread pizza

wished upon a star: I think I did last night

Laughed until you cried: yesterday when I leaned on a stool and the stool fell over

Helped a stranger: a couple of years ago when this guy dropped two dollars and I gave it back to him

Played truth or dare: a LONG time ago when Adam dared me to run around outside his house naked screaming "I LOST MY VIRGINITY!" and then jump in his lil hot tub dillio.

Watched a sunrise/sunset: every morning in Africa

Went to the beach at night: too long ago

Spent quality time alone: last night

Read a book for fun: lots of times

Kissed someone you didn't like: heh... let's not go there...

Kept a secret told to you: I almost always keep a secret unless it is serious

Hung out with someone you hated: tee hee... I can't remember

Lied to sound good: never

Did something out of character: not sure

Do you believe in...

God/devil: yeah but I don't "worship the devil"

Your friends: yes

Aliens: I would rather not think about that cuz they freak me out unless they are the kind on Men In Black

Love: yes

Love at first sight: no I think that you should get to know the person before you love them

The closet monster: he tries to get me every night

One person for everyone: yes

Psychic powers: no

Government conspiracies: yes!!!!!!

That squirrels are evil: no squirrels are sexy but buff sheep are hotter

That the end of the world is coming: yes but no one knows when

Heaven/hell: yeah

Superstitions: nope

How are you feeling right now?: tired

Why are you feeling as you are?: cuz Paul woke me up by jumping on me... thank you

Are YOU on prozac?: not anymore

Do you take drugs?: nope

Do you dislike ppl who use drugs?: no

Do you have any piercings?: ears and bellybutton

Tattoos?: I'm getting one with Paul and David!

Pet rabbits?: not anymore but I had this really cute one named Nicky

Dogs?: yeah I do right now and I accidentally call her Michelle... and when I was little I sort of did but John never let me play with him.

Cats?: no and never will

What do u fear most in this world?: losing my friends and family.... and fish

Do you know HTML?: no

Does calling you a nerd insult you?: of course not

Do you live with your parents?: nope they don't live with each other anyway

Do you have siblings?: I like John.

If you could do anything, anywhere in the world, at anytime, what would it be? Have sex with two boys in a vat of nacho cheese on a Tuesday.

I see- my computer. duh.

I find- that John isn't the best singer ever.

I want- a pet tiger

I have- great friends

I wish- I had food

I hate- being depressed

I miss- my mom

I fear- chipmunks

I feel- brave?

I hear- my band

I smell- apples

I crave- a peanut butter milkshake

I search- for food (I'm hungry)

I wonder- what it would be like to be deaf, blind, and mute

I regret - being mean sometimes

Do You...

Smoke? no

Do drugs? no

Have sex? not yet

Sleep with stuffed animals? Yes my 23 year old bear that I will never grow out of... also I have a blankey that has so many holes in it that it looks like a giant spiderweb.

Live in the moment? yesh

Have a dream that keeps coming back? yes... I had this one in first grade that this Indian guy from my class named Mahaul was at the mall at the same time I was and he had set up all these teepee's and they were like having a war. He shot me in the shoulder and I like collapsed against the wall and he was like "oh, sorry. i didn't see you." and then shot some other people. I've had it like 8 times.

Play an instrument? guitar and piano

Believe there is life on other planets? depends on what kind of life you mean... cuz I believe in fungus on other planets... THAT sounded weird

Remember your first love? yes

Still love him/her? I don't know

Read the newspaper? occasionaly

Have any gay or lesbian friends? yeah

Believe in miracles? yup!

Believe it's possible to remain faithful forever? yes

Consider yourself tolerant of others? yes but it's important

Consider love a mistake? no

Like the taste of alcohol? yes :)

Have a favorite candy? yes... Milky Way.

Believe in Astrology? no it's a load of taurus

Believe in magic? watch my answer appear... ABRA KADABRA!... *poof* ...no

Believe in God? yes

Pray? every night

Go to church? yes

Have any secrets? yes

Have any pets? sort of

Talk to strangers who instant message you? yes sometimes

Wear hats? not usually I look bad in 'em

Hate yourself? every once in a while

Have an obsession? yeah...

Collect anything? yeah anything from the ocean

Have a best friend? yes, more than one

Wish on stars? yeah

Like your handwriting? no but my cursive is good

Have any bad habits? biting my nails and stickin my tongue out and turning the lights on before I leave the room

Care about looks? a little. I like to look sexy

Believe in witches? no...now that is an EXTREMELY random thing to say to someone though

Believe in Satan? I believe that he exists

Believe in ghosts? yeah, David's house is haunted and I tried to tell Paul that but he just looked at me like I was stupid.

Believe in Santa? yes

Believe in the Easter Bunny? of course

Believe in the Tooth Fairy? yeah, why?

Have a second family? yeah

Trust others easily? yes sometimes too easily but a lot of times I can see through people so not always.

Like noise? no I have a strange phobia of loud noises

Take walks in the rain? yeah it's one of my favourite things to do... I love the rain and I love being wet.

Kiss with your eyes closed? I don't know, don't ask ME that.

Sing in the shower? doesnt everyone?... good accoustics in there anyway.

Own handcuffs? fuzzy ones, beeyotch

Have any scars? yeah i have a TON myself... and also I have lead in my arm from fourth grade so that will probably scar when it comes out... It's kinda weird how it happened anyway. I was really hyper and talking too much so the teacher told me to move up front. So as I was getting all my stuff to move up there, I forgot my pencil so my friend threw it at me and it got me right in the elbow.

Who do you most want to respond: Paul, David, and Jere. OH AND JADE!

Who will read this but won't respond: hopefully no one!
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