Nov 10, 2004 20:45
1. First best friend: carly
2. First love: Kelly (in love love)
3. First real kiss: jarret.
4. First screen name: flyfoxbmxer <----lame.
5. First pet: 4 dogs...jeremiah, sally, brittany, and major breaker.
6. First car: my red cavey.
1. Last cigarette: um, had to be like 8th grade or something.
2. Last kiss: august 17. around seven pm.
3. Last good cry: yesterday probably.
4. Last beverage drank: v8 splash. strawberry kiwi
5. Last food consumed: homemade bread with peanut butter
6. Last crush: kelly.
7. Last phone call: kelly.
1. Who is your best friend: lynnsey
2. Do you have a girlfriend/boyfriend: kelly. duh
1. Where are your favorite places to shop: a cheapo.
2. Favorite item of clothing: things.
1. Do you do drugs: nope.
2. What kind of shampoo do you use: garnier fructis
3. What are you most scared of: spiders, especailly the kind that eat your face, tornadoes being away from kelly any longer, and leaving my dad when i move out.
1. Colors: Black, red, pink, white
2. Foods: italian, some chinese...
3. Subject in school: Psychology, English
4. Animals: puppies. snakes.
5. Sports: BMX
6. Movie: say anything.
1. Given anyone a bath:....well...a shower :) kind of.
2. Smoked: Cigarettes -- yeah.Pot -- Yeah. Cock-- um, ?
3. Made yourself throw-up: yes.
4. Skinny dipped: no
5. Been in love: yep. im not fallin out of it either. toooooo good.
1. Clothes: baseball shirt, pj pants
2. Music: further seems forever
3. Make-up: Nope
4. IMs: None (im so lonley)
2. Hugged: My dad.
3. Imed: i cant remember.
4. Last person who slept at your house: no one...geez.
5. Last persons house you slept at: lynnseys house...a long time ago.
1. In the morning I am: not wanting to get up.
2. Love is: terrific...but i wish i could be closer.
3. I dream about: bad things, that scare me and make me sad.