(no subject)

Jun 16, 2005 01:43

Holy shit I havent been on here in awhile. I can see its still the same drama filled text it was when I left hehe.

I really dont feel like updating so im just gonna put little things here and there.....and maybe over here.........
..........................one right here just for fun..............fuck this spot he aint cool

I am in a awesome mood and have been for awhile now. Feels good and I have missed it.

Kevin and Shawn Crocker came up to Wal-Mart Monday while I was working to say "Hi" and to buy a batch of doughnuts........it was 5 in the morning....Id do those boys.....its the small stuff that makes me smile.............btw.....Kevin had a girl all up in his grill(yea i wish i was black) and he didnt do anything cause hes a little bitch. Kevin also needs to get a job with me and stop being a little slut.

Dan and Drew also came up to work to say "Yo" to me and share there anger. The anger part didnt bother me but it made me happy that they came to visit.

I went to little Seans on my lunch break to find everyone eating pizza and watching Bad Boys 2. Kevin was getting some action while Sean and Dan found funny shit on the interweb.

Its soo weird having the Durango back after driving a Crossfire. You cant make turns like you could in the Crossfire...........I tried!

My hands bleeding cause I fell alseep on my damn work blade.....B-B-B-BULLSHIT!! Stings.

Steve-o and I watched Dave Chapelle season 2 today. That shit is soo fucking hilarious.

I didnt read anyones Journal cause I guess, bluntly, I dont care. The only one that stuck out in my mind was Janes that said "Jay" about 36 times. Sparks between Jane and Jay? Dont know cause I didnt read anyother journal accept that one. If so than cool go for it. True love...Selfless love will never die. The kinda love where instead of regular tears you shed tears of scarlet cause you love them so much that it makes your heart bleed...and you bleed on the outside. Well theres my deep moment for the day. Jane and Jay had that kinda love and in my personal opinion if you have that love for someone you need to be toghter or die cause like I said you shed tears of scarlet and the pain from being apart should kill you.

I found out another friend from Michigan died from drunk driving. Sadly, I dont give a damn. I have no pity if you die from that shit. I wont shed any tears for you. Heartless, Cruel, Sick, Evil....call me what you will but I know what my heart tells me........

I read alot of books now. I love reading and taking in knowledge. I think the best and most precious knowledge you can get is from another person, through words and actions.

This journal is soo weird....its like happy to hatred. Hahaha im a weird motherfucker.

I miss Jane. I miss Brian. I miss Ashley. I miss Matt. I miss Jay.

I miss Indiana too. I have been home sick for 3 years now.

I was reading through my Journal today cause I havent been able to look through it for awhile. I have come to the conclusion I will finish writing in it and give it to Mandy so she has memories. Like a thank you for the times when we were bestfriends.

If you wanna leave me a comment please call me instead cause I doubt ill ever check this shit.

Kevin says and I quote "I have a little penis"
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