(no subject)

Apr 27, 2005 11:47

Alright I officially deleted my Guilt13 journal!! If you didnt bother to tell me to add you than thats your loss.

Alrighty!! So yesterday was kinda boring. I came home from school and just went to bed. I was soo sick and soo fricken tired. I woke up around 8 which sucked cause than I get confused with my sleeping time. So when its midnight I feel like its 5 P.M. Sucks!! I talked to Sam who is officially gay with Dragon Ball Z. I also talked to Drew and Kevin. Kevin who was barely on cause he rented Midnight Club 3 Dub Edition and was playing it like a maniac. I talked to Amanada(not Kurtz) about stuff and it was fun!! Sheila and me talked for awhile than we had a fight AGAIN!! Sucks ass badly!! Had a boring talk with Mandy. I decided a long time ago that I regret everything I had with her. I regret it more than anything in my life. Which sucks cause I dont truly regret much. So I wanna give her stuff back cause I am bluntly ashamed to have ever met her. I dont wanna be friends with her cause I refuse to put up with the bullshit I went through last time when we were "bestfriends" if thats what you wanna call it. I realized that I was bluntly blind to everything that she was. She has no idea who she is, she thrives on attention and cant control her thoughts on simple things. People say Jay and Mandy are exactly alike. That has some truth but at the same time it doesnt. I cant stand Mandy while Jay I can stand and I enjoy hanging with. Jay worked hard for his relationship with Jane. Mandy didnt work hard for any relationship she has had in the past 2 years. I say two years cause before than I didnt know her and I am told she was just a huge ho. Jay I can truly understand and have a conversation with. Mandy I cannot. When Jay's mind is confused he calms himself and thinks things through. Mandy makes more hell in her head and the first thing she thinks is her choice on everything. Well I am done with that cause if I dont stop this journal will be neverending bullshit that Mandy does.

So I am gonna change notes and get all the shit out on people I need to.

Morgan Alise Manser. You are a drama fucking queen. You thrive on absolute and total attention. Your a whore for what you did to David. You are the fakest person I have EVER met in my entire life. You treat your friends and the people closest to you like total shit. You completely and totally fucked Mandy over which she has no clue about im sure. I have sat there and listened to you talk straight bullshit on people who were your closest friends than act like an angel to there face. You are disgusting and vile. You deserve to have your neck snapped completely in half. Sorry to anyone reading who didnt like that, thats from all the shit I have witnessed her pull off and get away with. Complete and total HATRED towards her.

Jane Ritter. I love you. You are like a baby sister to me. I care for you soo fricken much. I would do anything for you and be there for you if you needed me to be. Jane, he wont be there forever. You both cant do this to your feelings its like toying with them. It might not be affecting you but its killing him. I think you know this and you should see it in him if you guys talk as much as im told. You seem to be over Jay completely and its the same for him as I see it. I dont see why you would wanna be single after coming out of a relationship. Most people hate it cause they feel insecure and alone. If you feel as much for Brian as you say you do than you two should be toghter instead of apart. I think you both can manage this since you both like eachother and are soo star strucken by the sight of eachother. I love you baby Janer. I will try to support you in whatever way that I can be but I will not support you two if one or both of you are gonna get hurt, I just cant and I refuse to do so. So please, search your heart and your mind. He will NOT wait for you and I know you told him to live his life but do not do something or say something you MIGHT regret. Regret isnt fun and it hurts, trust me I know. I love you Jane.

Jay Kurtz(Samurai Master). Jay I am soo glad that things seem to be going good for you right now. I wish we spent more time toghter hanging out and talking. I know your busy with your new lifestyle but I wanna still be able to talk to you and have some insight to your life. Even you making a journal every now and than would greatly help me. I would also greatly appreciate it. I am glad you were able to move on from Jane, also finding someone who makes you happy and whole again. I heard you had an interview a couple days ago. I hope that went well and you get a new job. I also saw your journal that said your school was going better, this also makes me happy. I am glad you and your sister seem to be closer. She has wanted that forever and a half HAHA. I hope things between you and your father are getting better or atleast not bad. I love you, you fricken homo!

Princess McBride. I have no idea why im putting your name in here........YOUR SOO HOTT!!! Finally asked Kelly out!! That took you forever!! Oh well, better now than never. Right? Damn right!! Crowd War!!! I will cum down your throat!

Kevin. Your just fricken hot!! You are the Queen of sexy!! Not much more to say. HAHA

Steveo looks soo gay today!! I spiked his hair to hell and made him wear a purple bandana!! On a harder note he looks so hardcore in that Terror shirt I bought him at there last show here. Spiked ass hair, Terror shirt(god damn its Terror) and a purple bandana!!! hXc!!
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