Jul 29, 2005 21:51
I feel like boycotting this goddamn journal.
This feeling may go away but its how im feeling.
I mean think about it people. The concept of a live journal is shit. Journals are meant to be not read by people, thats why they are there, by posting them live you interupt the order in which things are supposed to be. -_- Which is that all these thoughts of drama and all these opinions and all this mindless stuff that people before the creation of livejournal kept to themselves, and wrote in private diaries, and even though people still felt the way they did, it forced people to TALK about it instead of POSTING IDIOCIES at eachother. Plus, friendships wernt rocky because of somthing someone read in someones journal.
Its just somthing I have been thinking about. Im sorry....Im being totally hypocritical by posting this here, but dont you people think about this? lol...It just NOW struck me that I got sucked into live journal.
So anyway, the gist of this is that I'm probly not going to post here anymore..I dont know.
Right now Im feeling horrible about everything...I feel like I have failed so many people, my life is a pit, again, im feling the overwhelming feeling of empty horridness that has consumed me since the middle of last year. Lonelyness...feeling alone.
But do you have the right to know that? NOT ON HERE.
People need to start making more effort to keep friendships, if you really want to be someones fucking friend you will TALK to them once and a while.
I know after this starting revelation, I am forcing myself to change the way I act towards my friends. I will call people more, try to get into thier lives because damnit, if i want to be your friend Im going to try.
Half of you I dont even know anymore.
I cant take this.