MIA ** Pray For Us Sinners ** MIA

Mar 12, 2005 18:03

As you find this --> I pray that you are happy and smiling and if not, I hope this letter will help.
Please let me start by saying that everything that I told you was true, well except that coke thing at Can-Cun taqueria. HA.. I Belive that you are very compassionate you stand by your convictions and dont back down.. YOu Eat..
And I would Love to fuck the little bit of meaness you have right out of your head.

xXx Thank You From The Bottem Of My Heart <3 The Same Heart You Jump Started xXx
You Made me feel ten feet tALL I really felt on top of the world
or at least a pimp in the little Italy with extra mozzerela pizza ..

** It BLows My MInd - Like A Colt 45 Everytime **

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The Loving Words Of Addicts
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