(no subject)

Dec 28, 2005 11:21

Current mood: Anxious, i have to go to work soon :(

Current music: Surprisingly...Country... dont hate me!

Current taste: ...apple?

Current hair: parted and getting to be pretty long!

Current clothes: work uniform :P

Current annoyance: work

Current smell: a very expensive cologne.

Current desktop picture: some mountain or something, not my desktop

Current favorite band: hard to say maybe... john mayer prolly

Current cd in stereo: ohhh man... garth brooks but just because i wanted to hear what he sounds like

Current crush: Miss Chrestensen

Current favorite celeb: hmm um john mayer

Current hate: Winn Dixie Marketplace

Do I

Smoke?: Nooo

Do drugs?: no

Have sex?: Nope

Give oral sex?: no

Receive oral sex?: NO

Have a dream that keeps coming back?: Used to

Remember your first love?: yep


Read the newspaper?: yea!

Have any gay or lesbian friends?: Yes, my best

Believe in miracles?: yes

Believe it's possible to remain faithful forever?: Yes

Consider yourself tolerant of others?: VERY tolerant but after a while i explode

Consider love a mistake?: NO its bound to happen

Like the taste of alcohol?: some...

Have a favorite candy?: Yes, Butterfinger

Believe in astrology?: wtf, its there

Believe in magic?: No

Believe in god?: YES

Have any pets: Yea, dog and a cat

Go to or plan to go to college: Yes Dbcc but plan on attending a university

Have any piercings?: no

Have any tattoos?: no

Hate yourself: not at all i love myself

Have an obsession?: Myself

Have a secret crush?: ...no

Do they know yet?: "they"?

Have a best friend?: Yea

Wish on stars?: sure

Care about looks?: To a very limited extent.

Love life

First crush: Some girl named brianna in kindergarten

First kiss: when i was 6 NO JOKE

Single or attached?: no

Ever been in love?: ...yes

Do you believe in love at first sight?: at first sight? it never works out that way

Do you believe in "the one?": yes

Describe your ideal significant other: Shorter than me. Cares about her family. Can respond to my rambling. Is intelligent but not nerdy. Cares about her health to an extent. Loves to be romantic and responds well to romanticism. Must be cute! I dont want a toothpick but i dont want an obese girl either. Is thoughtful and loyal.
Juicy stuff

Have you ever played a game that required removal of clothing?: yeah.

Have you ever been intoxicated?: nope

Favorite place to be kissed?: neck!

Have you ever been caught "doing something?": ..yes

Shy to make the first move?: no, I usually end up making the first move

Word association

Rubber: ear

Rock: n roll

Green: elf

Wet: pants

Cry: potato

Peanut: jelly

Hay: ferris wheel

Cold: heart

Steamy: jungle

Fast: trills

Freaky: octopus

Rain: blows

Bite: bark

fuck: gah!

Blow: your horn

Religion: hallelujah


Hair: Brownish blackish bluish

Eyes: Brown

Height: 5'6?


Bought: Um a game of racing last night

Ate & Drank: Cereal :(

Read: Guitar One


club or houseparty: houseparty

beer or cider: Cider i suppose

cats or dogs: dogs

single or taken: taken

pen or pencil: pen

gloves or mittens: gloves

cassette or cd: cd

coke or pepsi: coke!


kill: Im a lover not a fighter

get really wasted with: No one

look like: Abe ALamalhodaei

be like: Abe Alamalhodaei

avoid: hmmm... probly any stalkers i still might have


talked to: Dad

hugged: Mom

instant messaged: Sam Moltke

kissed: Chylsie


eat: Subway! EVERY DAY!

cry: Somewhere alone

wish you were: a world class musician


Dated one of your best friends? Yes

Loved somebody so much it makes you cry? No

Drank alcohol? yep

Done drugs? nope

Broken the law? You should see me drive

Run away from home? yep

Broken a bone? yep

Played Truth Or Dare? yep on the bus to epcot

Been in a fight? yep

Come close to dying? yea when i was one, twice


The most embarrassing CD in your collection?: omg definitely R. Kelly

Your bedroom like?: it has fish on the walls...

Your favorite thing for breakfast? croissant with sausage and cheese

Your favorite restaurant?: chik fil a or maybe subway


What's on your bedside table?: lava lamp, crap

What do you eat when you raid the fridge late at night?: italian ice, milk

What is your biggest fear?: drowning, or falling from somewhere high up or losing a loved one

What feature are you most insecure about?: insecure? no jealous? ehh in a cute kind of way

Do you ever have to beg?: i haaaaate begging

Are you a pyromaniac?: YES FIRE YEA!

Do you have too many love interests?: nope i have just enough: 1

Crushes? Yes Miss CHrestensen the 3rd

Do you know anyone famous?: um...i've met them

Describe your bed: VERY COMFORTABLE!

Spontaneous or plain?: spontaneous fo sho

Do you know how to play poker?: Heck yea man

What do you carry with you at all times?: wallet, phone

How do you drive?: carefully

What do you miss most about being little?: spankings

Are you happy with your given name?: well other ppl like it more than me..

How much money would it take to get you to give up the Internet for one year?: like 10000 dollars

What was the last song you were listening to?: garth brooks- 2 of a kind lookin for a full house

Have you ever been in a play?: yea like 4

Who is your best friend?: i have more than one

Do you talk a lot?: i tend to babble...

Do you like yourself and believe in yourself?: yes

Do you think you're cute?: not as cute as her

Do poor, homeless, or starving people sometimes annoy you? YES omg stop asking me for quarters get a job and stop trying to like wipe my car down with a napkin and expect to get paid because its not happening

Do you consider yourself to be a nice person?: yes i am very compassionate

Do you spend more time with your girlfriend, boyfriend, or your friends?: well considering my girlfriend works with me and has classes with me its bound to happen, but i do enjoy it.

What is the first thing you think when you see two gay guys or lesbians holding hands?: i say "aww" if they're cute couple and "ehh" if they're not.

god this is long and pointless
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