Aug 16, 2009 14:31
holy SHIT it's been awhile. since april? it's august now :)
jesus fuck. so much has happened since April.
Lets see..
Since april, I've finally gotten over shawn for good.
I got a new apartment, got accepted to Sheridan for Art Fundamentals, got two jobs, and made a group of new friends.
lets see.
I made lots of friends to be honest with you..
first, I became close with Brayde, Ricky, Matt, Stephan, Mike, Christian, and I guess technically Steve too.
We would always have fires in Fern park. there is this cute little setup and we would alawys go. it was so awesome. it really was the best of times.
We would always drink and smoke and just laugh and have so much fun.
I ended up helping Ricky pass Art, and now he doesn't have to repeat anything. I felt really good about it too. i'm glad for him.
We began to fall apart night, we got drunk and I ended up kissing Ricky and Brayde. Then, rumours went around that I was mad crushing on Brayde because we made out or some shit. I told one of the guys I was crushing, but nothing serious. It backfired.. from that, I drifted, but then july 1st took the cake.
christine got so hammered and started picking fights with everyoone and then, crumbled.
I really miss those times.
I started working at Timmies again, where I met a lot of awesome people.
One was Matt. He is 16, a stamford kid.
He was working on coffee two when I was on S and S, and my manager marlene asked me to help him with coffee since he was new. So she started crushing him with orders and I jumped in. he kept saying I was amazinglyy fast and I beasted. I managed working coffee and SS. damn i'm good :)
after that, he asked for my xbox live account. I went home that night, added him, then he gave me his email addy and fb. so I added him to both. that night,, he asked me to gio for a walk. at like, 2am.
So I did. there wasnt much to lose. we ended up spending the next three days together. everynight, and we watched the sunrise. I guess it would have been romantic if I cared much for him. I did..but..meh.
He told me he was a bassist to a band, and shortly after, I met his band. Colins birthday.
oh -
Colin - Drummer/
Andrew - Guitarist
Tom - Lead Singer, Lead guitarist
Matt - Bassist.
and Dave, close friend!
After I met them the first night, I needed more.
I went to their band practice and took like, a bunch of pictures. From there my love for them grew. they are the sweetest bunch of boys i'll ever meet.
but the more I talked with the boys, the more they told me about matt and his silly lies.
He ended up telling me lies about the bands age, his virginity, girls, life, everything.
I stayed with matt much longer than I anticipated.
the reason I stayed was for the band, I was afraid of losing them.
I ended up going to Shalamar [camp site where the boys play] and that was the last time matt and I were considered a :thing"
the nday after,I ended up telling matt him and I should only be friends.
from there, he was okay with it until he snapped saying his life is nothing without me and threatened his life saying he should die blablabla.
two days after, he found another girl. isn't that funny..
Colin ended up liking me, and I crushed on Andrew, but it was nothing serious.
I love them both in the most motherly way.
theyre so adorable <3
I ended up telling Colin he and I cant be anything, and to stay with his girlfriend. I felt bad, but it was for the best.
he is currently at her house for 6 days/
Andrew also has a girlfriend, and she and him seem to be good together.
oh well.
I broke up with julian, yet again. I was drunk LOL. meh.
then I hooked up with Hunter in May.
we broke up end of july or something? he is an incredible guy. beyond incredible. he is the one I wish I could be with forever..but..I can't do the distance.
I cant. its just not my thing.
so that leaves me here. to this day.
of course i'm missing a lot of details.
I have taken an exceptional liking to Andrew, Colin, and Dave.
Sara and I don't talk as much because I work like a bitch.
I'm always tired and sick. it''s terrible really.
Andrew is coming over today. i'm pretty excited.
my parents are gone to atlantic city YAY. home alone for three days woot.
My new place is amazing. cute and cozy. I really do love it.
I just will miss everything here. I am sad to leave because i'm afraid of drifting from everything here..
well, i'll visit. lots :)
oh I got contacts. theyre so sick.lmao
purple gray and green.
yay :)
thats it for now. hopefully i'll remember to update again,