Jun 10, 2009 23:05
19 days down. 14 days to go. Two weeks until the USMLE Step 1 Exam.
I am freaking the fuck out. My pre-scheduled 11 hour study days are slowly creeping up to 12-13 hours of sheer panicked cramming. I've had the day-before "OH MY GOD I'M GOING TO FAIL" adrenaline-fueled drive many a time, but never for 33 days. I haven't had a crying spell yet, but I'm pretty sure it's close. Our advisor warned us that we would probably cry a couple times. She even gave us a CRYING PLAN. Yes, she told us all the steps we should go through if we have a sobbing fit. They mostly involve closing the books, eating chocolate, going to bed early and trying again the next day. But I can't afford to miss precious study moments to do that, so let's keep our fingers crossed.
The sandwich guy at the Barnes & Noble told me he was concerned for my mental well-being. Thanks for the encouragement? I've also become disturbingly accustomed to the background music of the store, which led to this latest text-messaging session with the parents:
Me: What is the 80's song that goes "whoa whoa whooooah oooh oh oooh oh'? It's a man group, part of the chorus is high pitched."
Mom: Oh I know this. Give me a minute to think
Mom: Is it called The Right Stuff?
Me: No no, that's NKOTB. Whoa oh OH oh oh, whoa oh OH oh."
Mom: That's different?
Dad: It sounds like Billy Joel's The Longest Time
Me: Not even close. Think more along the lines of Tears For Fears esque.
Dad: Not sure, but if it comes to me I'll let you know.
Dad: I tried to find it on Google, no luck.
Me: What in God's name did you Google?!
Dad: Exactly what you sent me!
For reference, the song was Howard Jones "Things Can Only Get Better."