We're now on Behavioral Sciences (aka Psychiatry) in class, and we were presented with this image as part of a Thematic Apperception Test and told to come up with a story:
Here was my first stream of thought:
A man who works in an office got a good Christmas bonus this year, so he did what any good American citizen would do and hired a hooker. Because she was much younger and lovelier than he, officeman felt the need to liquor up the beauty before their intimate encounter. Unfortunately, the hooker passed out from intoxication, vomited, aspirated, and choked to death. The man returns from a trip to the toilette to discover his hooker expired. He is distraught at his foolishness, his lack of game, and laments the loss of his bonus money.
However, according to the teaching physician, normal people would look at this picture and say "The old gentleman's wife passed away in the night after a long illness." All I can say is that she must have been a trophy wife, because 1) Who has boobs that don't move when you lie down, except strippers or trophy wives? 2) Why is she wasting away topless in bed?
I felt deranged until I heard a lone voice shout out across the auditorium: "Come on, man! That's totally a dead hooker!"