I'm anxiously awaiting to discover what happens with the lung biopsy that my Ped Heme/Onc buddy, Emma, is having this upcoming week. After that, she should be cleared to ring the "remission" bell. Miss Emma is a 5 year old diva who has kicked Wilm's tumor in the ass and aspires to be both an astronaut AND cheerleader one day. As you can see below, she was a ladybug for Halloween and is definitely NOT afraid of spiders (!), or anything else for that matter. Her favorite word is "whatEVER", and when her hair grows back, she wants to dye it rainbow colors.
She painted me a hippopotamus, which is currently adorning my fridge since I no longer have achievements of my own to display. Don't ask me why the hippo is bipedal. In the words of the artist: "whatEVERRR!" I would like to add that I painted the orange flowers on the grass.
The first sign of my foreseeable failing future: the addition of "Rubick's cube" to my Christmas list. Nobody buys a Rubick's cube unless they're planning on wasting time, and lots of it.