Oct 22, 2005 23:56
Friday: went to the central home coming, because owen invited me. the band students all went home cause it was raining so bad, sami came with me. because the band didn't play i spent alot more time with owen thank usual at a football game, most of the time was dedicated to owen and i whistling the mission impossible theme and rolling on the wet grass. it was a pretty good way to spend a friday night.
Saturday: i spent from 11am-10pm with sami we started the day off by watching tv then going to the outlet mall then going to the movies to see "charlie and the chocolate factory" which i must say was pretty good only down fall is the oompa loompa songs were way different it was slightly annoying. sfter that sami learned how to play halo and after two hours of it she says "this so fucking awesome" where as a week ago she was asking owen and i "why would you play a stupid video game for such along time?" lol. well after that we went to the movies again we saw, "the fog" it was some movie about a killer fog or something it was really stupid. ember asked me to go, so i asked sami she said it was fine, ember and i were holding hands and such the whole movie. and after the movie we were all outside. all= sami, ember, owen, laci, sarah, sarah, and i. and one of the two sarah's get in a shopping cart and i push the shopping cart really fast and a cop drives by and tell me to put it back and yeah it kind of sucked. well todd picked sami and i up. and i had my first meaningful, long, caring, hug in a long time. well then sami and i got in the car went to the house and her mom picked her up. it was pretty fun spending so much time with sami.
ps. next week i am going to play with the nature coast band at their homecoming against central high.
pps. i never broke up with ember like my update said.