Nov 05, 2008 19:59
when i have 5 minutes, be prepared to be educated on why everyone is stupid for being excited about our new president-elect. in the meantime, research adolf hitler, (PRE- third reich, post WW1), and sit back and really think about how much spare money you have to "spread around".
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if you and i and every other working person have paid taxes since forever, and they are talking about giving more money back to some one than they are giving, out of the tax reserve, where does that extra money come from?
and about the hitler thing, it does make sense, people take it the wrong way. hitler was a genocidal maniac. obama is not. i realize that. it's not the point i'm trying to make, and i'm not trying to correlate hitlers reign with obama's political views. if you look, and not real closely, the tactics used to swindle people into support for the nazi party are being used today, to gain the vote, and it's obvious. the things the national socialist party said in the 20's and 30's were not lies, they did everything they said they would. minus the attempted deletion of the jews, those were the strongest economic, social, and political years for ANY country. it's all the shit they did and got away with by riding the coattails of all the prosperity that is wrong. people saw what they did, and how good it was. then he said hey, i want to be your ruler, look how much i have done. they said ok. then he said we did all of this together, we are the strongest, let's conquer the world. they said ok. it just snowballed.
i just don't want that to happen to this country. people get caught up in shit way too quick (i.e. post 911 pseudo-patriotism) and i don't want to get swept away and stuck in all that mire.
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