Jan 14, 2004 20:12
ummm school is gay..it is exams right now..LAME. umm me and rob are good..about my last entry..i was tripping out.everything that goes on everyday that doesnt really mean much all caught up to me. but i still dont go back on anything i wrote.amber wrote this note to reenee saying her and steven were in love and that she will be more of our friend again..WTF? no fucking way she is blowing all of us HER FRIENDS off! but i am wrong and that is the reality of it. me and raina wrote her back and she showed steven what we wrote and raina wrote just as bad of stuff as i did and steven hates me for it...but i dont really give a fuck..because steven is lame and finally i am over it!he totally broke my heart to pieces..and for months he has been stepping on the pieces!...he took my innocence..breaks up with me 3 days later..denys it to everyone at school..and then goes out with one of my good friends and turns her totally against all of us. WHAT MORE CAN YOU DO? jesus fucking christ how many more steven?..how many more hearts are you gonna break? i hope not ambers but why would you change? but just by being such a douche bag today at school and being dumb about not getting in the car with me..THANK YOU STEVEN because you finnaly fucking are dead to me! i think you finally broke my heart so much that it is finally putting itself back together..and on top of it im just over you and all the shit that you do! whatever eww i dont want to talk about all this anymore sorry for tripping out<3 but anyways i love my friends to death...reenee,nikki,andy,and the love of my life MIKE<3...me and mike are the coolest cats in town<3 haha MUAH bye!
xoxoxo davey face