Nov 15, 2005 10:37
To tell you the truth i really hate life right now...its been sucking majorly!
Serouisly even since football was done everything went down hill...
Last week i was soo freaking stressed &&every lil thing made me cry' i cried everynight just cause i would sit there &&think bout stuff!
Wednesday we finally went shopping for saides took us 3 hour or more cause the first hour we didn't talk &&the boys walked in fron of me&&Lo* finally we got done- The Dance was alot of funn, Hooters was good[i won a dollar from a beat] &&wallyball was a crack up*me&&Lo are too sweet!
NEWAYS...I don't have a car right now because Thursday i let Joshua borrow my car for a project in school&& someone hit him while he was crossing allen road; at first i was pissed but then i kinda got over that &&was just glad him and gabby were alright' we haven't really found out anymore about it besides the fact the police dude didn't give the guys that hit Joshua a tickey HOW GAYYYY!
I had another MRI &&testy thing today it took forever this time &&i started crying the the MRI cause my hand &&arms started hurting and i couldn't move...they still hurt a lil right now but hopefully it will go away &&hopefully everything is good!
Hockey started up me &&Stilly went to the scrimmage Saturday THAT WAS FUN..i freakign love Stilly we watch saw &&had one of our serouis talks! =]
Last night was the LAST Laguna &&it made me cry cause i don't went the seniors to leave; i don't want me&&Jessica not to be able to see each as much...but i stoped thinkin bout that because we have a whole year kinda still soo i should have fun RIGHT?
My bro left at 3 this &&wont be back till wednesday night i didn't go to bed till like 4 cause i was thinking bout shit then someone started texting me so i just stayed up till he left..i woke up at 730 to go get my MRI done..that was the longest one ever; my arms and legs started feeling weird when i was in tere&&when i got out i couldn't walk i felt like jello...i'm bout to go to school &&i know i'm gunna fall asleep cause i dind't get any sleep at all but oh well