Troy and I to a lecture tonight at the U of A at one of the observatories, it was about the new satellites and telescopes they are using to study supernovae and gamma ray bursts, and what their findings have been, it was mildly interesting. It's not exactly my forte or one of my primary interests, but troy was entranced and I thought it interesting enough to make it worth the drive and walk and then some more walk because we couldn't find the damn place.
It's part of a lecture series troy and I will be going to a few more of them, Here's the link with the info're apparently definitely going to the one on the 26th and the 28th, I'm letting troy decide which he's most interested in... but if one jumps out at you, let me know and maybe you can catch a ride with us or meet us there.
Tony and troy and I are all going to the Goya exhibit tomorrow afternoon. I'm excited, quite so actually. Then I have class, and afterwards $4 martinis at Plush! all around good.
Thursday sam is taking me to the 'Stars' show at the rialto. If I get eaten by scene kids, avenge my death.
What I really need to do is clean my house and do laundry.
We'll see if I can manage that.