Jul 17, 2004 17:24
My dad just started goin to church like 3 months ago ((which is kick
ass cause he’s out of the fuckin house more often!! HaHa loser!
Hehehe)) well anyways now he’s tryin to get me to go!! I’m like
psshh!!!! Fuck that man!! ME!! I don’t think so!! He wants ME ((an
atheist learning about Satanism)) to go to his shit church!! Not gonna
happen!! Lmao! Whatever tho... I aint goin and he can’t make me
but today he had some crazy tall church-ie kid come over and talk/sign
about “god” to my older brother ((sign cause my older brothers deaf))
((ahhhh *heavenly music* “goooood is great!!”)) lmao ya right!!!! And
thenmy dad was sayin he wants some one to come over and talk to me.
hahaha!!! ((NOPE!! I don’t think so)) He said ‘well what if someone
does come over??’ And im like “I’ll seriously just fuckin LEAVE if some
one comes over” so then he dropped it. But im just like fuck man! what
the hell!! I don’t understand why or how people can believe in
something so ridicules!! Oh it’s called faith right?? Oh no no kiddies
it’s called BULLSHIT!!! But whatever… To every man his own right?? Haha
I don’t care fer that SHIT and I probably never will! oh well!! ((Don’t
bitch at me bout “god” peoples))
Any-whoo…. Its still hot as all fuck here but not as bad as yesterday was X_X so that’s good!! : )p hehehe.
*cries* im soooo friggin bord!!! i need somthing to do people!!! give me somthing to do PLEASE!!! *cries*
well t’is all fer now