Feb 05, 2004 21:12
well. today is the shittiest day of the new year so far. first, i wake up so late that i cant shower in the morning. then i get yelled at by some bitch on the way to kims cuz i walked on her grass cuz her fat ass lazy husband cant put salt down on the sidewlk to that theres no ice. then, my LIT teacher says shes calling home because my grade went from a B+ to a C+.. even tho i already confrensed it with both of my parents. then, im walking home, and i hear a cry. a loud cry. and a little girl screach for someone to help her. turns out some fuck head douche licker asshole couldnt salt the land that he owns, and my sister fell and cut her whole entire chin open. whatt fuckin asshole.. so theres at least 2 pints of blood from my sister. and im going crazy cuz idk what the fuck to do. i call my mom and she says to go get the neighbor and apply pressure. and that shed be leaving work right then. i get the neighbor and we call 911. when my mom gets home, the paramedics are already there, and so is my neighbor. we ended up spending 5 hours at the hospital, getting my sister stiched up. my dad left work as soon as he could. he got there, and tehn we had to wait an hour for a plastic surgeon to get there. i feel so bad for my sister. shes always getting hurt. well .. that was the end to my shitty day. im sorry for this asshole kind of entry. but i had to let out my frustration somehow. comment if you fell like it.
not really lovingly,