Oh dear! It shouldn't make me laugh....companies really, epicly failing at dubs doesn't usually make me laugh....but i think the comments on the clip made it better.
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And some of the comments:
* kanda's voice is to deep what is he 30?
* Kanda = on STEROIDS.
* Finally someone who agrees with me on Kanda's overusage of steroids!
*..Myoogen? Seriously?
* myugen.... myu... myu... o_o... don't you think that kanda -of ALL people- would know how to pronounce not a japanese word but the NAME of his SWORD?! myuuu.... myu myu myu myu... he sounds like some kind of giant feline anime mascot. ya know the ones that mispronounce everything... like "myighty myugen unsheath meow!"
And, since i found them i might as well share the rest of the dub cast clips (from
Lavi and BookmanLenalee, Allen and CrossLavi and AllenLavi and Allen AgainMore Lavi and AllenLavi acting like a pratMiranda Jeryy (he...is scary in ANY language)
NoahsEarl Allen and Lavi I've gotten used to, Lenalee, Tyki, Skin and Road are ok, Bookman is good...Cross is scary and Kanda....Kanda...I have nothing against the voice itself...its not stupid or annoying...it just doesn't fit. At all. Also, do funimation have something against nicknames??? What was wrong with 'beansprout'? (or Kuro-muu, Kuro-tan, Kuro-rin, Kuro-wanwan....)
I'll still buy it when it (eventually) gets out over here...but I'm pretty certain i'll be watching the Japanese dub!