Dec 21, 2005 12:15
I am waiting for Oprah to come on. If it is another re-run i swear i am going to pull a cap on someone's ass.
Reasons why I love Oprah:
She is Hot
She has her own show
She has her own Book club
She has her own Magazine
She likes dogs
She most likely smells good.
She does fun things like eat cake and throw parties
I think that I need to start hanging out with my brother alot less.... too much Justin Wallis can get to ya. In grade 9 I was really emabarrassed that Justin was my brother... Philpott and i used to talk about it all the time... He made Mr. McCallum hate me right off the bat... it was kind of rough - I never really recovered ...
Things that I want to do at Christmas:
Skate on the lake with Grady and Sean
Build a life size gingerbread house ...
Eat mashed potatoes
AND last but not least ... celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ 7th Heaven Style. - aha