Dec 03, 2008 01:58
LAPTOP. LAPTOP. LAPTOP. oh my good god its amazing. vista is BEAUTIFUL i always thought i was such a mac person but now itslike.. the ball's in their court, they need to step it up a notch haha I cant wait till i get spore and have classes next semester where i can bring in my laptop and be like oh hai im gonna TYPE my notes. fuck paper and pencils.
also, next semester is as follows: math 150 (again lol. maybe ill pass this time...) chem 200, philosophy 101 and philosophy 1..20 i think. or 118 or something. anyway, first semester was just practice, but now i need to kind of get my shit together haha becuase im only allowed ot fail 4 classes and i've already failed three!!! so ill probably end up changing my name, forging some really nice high school transcripts and move to the middle of.... i dont know, delware. Has anyone else noticed that there are only like a handful actual cool states? how sad its like... we had so much potential and most of the states just failed. anyway, .... wait what
oh yeah and i watched Charlie Bartlett, and i thought i wasn't going to like it because the back was like "a hilarious movie about a kid who sells drugs to all his classmates!" i was like oh god. but its an AWESOME movie. like totally cool i love so go see it if you haven't already done so. its like... ferris bulers day off.. mixed with... like juno and a little super bad (minus the potty humor) so its kind of awesome. and theres this song at the end called "Hey Man, Now You're Really Livin'" and its also a cool song! so two in one right thurr.
charlie bartlett,