(no subject)

May 03, 2009 15:50

This is me not being productive.
This is me staring at the two chapters of notes I've already put together in a study guide and praying that perhaps, the last three could do themselves.
This me hoping that a good grade on this exam will be enough to make up for my last, less than exceptional exam.

I don't know where to begin, or where to end.
So many good things have happened this year, and I don't think I've captured nearly enough in this journal.
For the sake of time, I'm throwing in about 45 hours of laughter. 67 insightful/meaningful conversations. One night of star tripping, and 50 other memories that I'll hopefully never forget.

I can't seem to capture this year in the right sequence of words.

I started off  wanting to be president more than I had ever wanted anything before. UIFI gave me a whole new perspective and I wanted to change things in a big way. You can imagine my surprise then, when February came and I realized that I had three-thousand issues to deal with before I could even glance back at the goals I had idealistically created during winter break.  I don't want to know how many hours I spent answering e-mails, or endlessly searching the PiPhi website for the answer to a problem. I learned a lot about prioritizing, and delegating, and asking for help.

This year I saw who would be there for me regardless. Who I could turn to if I needed a good hug, or who would know that I just needed to smile, for twenty seconds, about nothing in particular just to make my day a little brighter. I learned who turn to for back-up when I made a hard decision, and who would always logical advice. I hope that throughout everything, I was as good a friend to them, as they were to me.

I don't know where else to go from here, except to say that I'll be done with finals Tuesday at 7pm. 100 multiple choice questions and an extra credit paper. I can do this.

Things I'm looking forward to:

LONDON! This summer, from May 27 - August 9. I'm doing a 5 week program called politics and media in the U.K. and then staying for a 5/6 week internship in PARLIAMENT at the office of Karen Buck.
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