Everything in my life...

Nov 17, 2009 10:24

is always good. I must have good luck or something. Or maybe I am just good to people, so life is good to me in return. In the past five years, I've rarely ever felt sad. But in the past 8 months, I have been happier than ever!

So........ Brian and I started saving money. To buy a house. I can't believe I'm actually saying that! But it is true. After our trip to Southeast Asia this December/January, we are going to open up a savings account and put major dollars away. I've already saved about $3,500 in the past few months! [This was easy since I haven't had to spend a penny on our trip. <3!!!] We hope to start looking at houses next January. We already take Sunday drives around Toms River/Brick and other shore areas pointing out houses we think are cute. : ) Brian has also begun saving for other big important purchases. :-x

I am SO excited for my trip. I feel so grateful that I am getting the opportunity to visit these far away lands. It is getting so close... we leave in a month and a half! Our original plan was to go to Cambodia, Thailand, and Laos. We are still doing Cambodia and Thailand, but it looks once we hit Bangkok, we will be going south instead of North to Laos. Which means we will most likely be hitting up Malaysia and Singapore instead.

What excites me most about our new plans is that we are going to the Thai island of Koh Samui... which is supposed to have the MOST beautiful beaches in the world. Everything looks like this!!!!:

And really, I just can't wait to visit amazing Angkor Wat in Cambodia:

Ancient temples, hanging out with tigers, riding elephants, exploring jungles, beautiful beaches, trying new foods, bustling cities, cute guesthouses, best boyfriend.

But back to real life: I can't wait to see my best friend Laura tomorrow night. I miss her all the time! But since she is busy being cute with her boyfriend, it's okay. Thanksgiving is coming soon, and then Christmas!!!!!!!! Most shopping to be done. Also, I can't wait for this semester to be over! Math is disgusting.

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