Dec 21, 2004 13:59
Name: Abby
Birthday: 5/7/88
Birthplace: East Bay, California
Current mood: Hungry.
Current music: Unsolved Mysteries son.
Current hair: Messy and undone.
Current clothes: Pajama pants and a Folsom shirt.
Current annoyance: Not much.
Current smell: Eww...
Current thing I ought to be doing: Eating.
Current windows open: Yea right! It's too cold.
Current favorite band: Fall Out Boy/Neva Dinova/Dodgin' Bullets is what's up.
Current book: I'm about to start The Lovely Bones.
Current cd(s) in stereo: Paul Oakenfold.
Current crush: THAT, I cannot admit.
Current favorite celeb: Conor Oberst.
Current hate: People of all races and ethnicities. Oh, and day-time television.
Do I-
Smoke?: XXX
Do drugs? XXX
Have a dream that keeps coming back? Nope.
Remember your first love?: Definetly. How could I ever forget?
Read the newspaper? Not much.
Have any gay or lesbian friends? Sure do.
Believe in miracles? Sometimes.
Believe it's possible to remain faithful forever? I know it is.
Consider yourself tolerant of others? Not often.
Consider love a mistake? The biggest mistake of my life.
Like the taste of alcohol? XXX
Have a favorite candy? Gummy worms.
Believe in astrology? Somewhat, from what I know.
Believe in magic? Nope.
Have any pets? A kittie and a puppy.
Go to or plan to go to college? I hope I do. I'm thinking CCAC.
Have any piercings? Yes I do.
Have any tattoos? My sparrows are coming soon.
Hate yourself? Yea, isn't that cool though?
Have an obsession? Cheesecake and I are married.
Have a secret crush? :)
Do they know yet? Probably not.
Have a best friend? Unfortunatly not any longer.
Wish on stars? Not stars, cheesecake.
Care about looks? Yea, I'm shallow...what of it?
Love life-
First crush: Um, that one kid from the Growing Pains.
First kiss: Wow, let's not go there.
Single or attached: I guess single.
Been in love: Once is enough.
Do you believe in love at first sight? To an extent.
Do you believe in "the one"? Grrrr...
Juicy stuff-
Have you ever played a game that required removal of clothing? Nope.
Have you ever been intoxicated? Nope.
Favorite place to be kissed? Anywhere really...