Oct 23, 2012 00:02

Yes, that was me in the swirly black and red cloak on the dancefloor at wincon looking like a goth dork! What can I say - if you can't wear a cape to a fangirl con, where can you wear one? ;D

Thanks SO much to all the amazing fangirls who welcomed a lost-looking newbie and made me feel accepted in my fannishness!

For the time it was to talk of many things: of characters and comics, OTPs and boys with wings. Tumblrs and RPF, and #overheardatwincon. Rocky Horror Picture Show and don't forget (never forget) the genius and beauty that was WinProm!

Everlasting thanks to zubeneschamali and electricalgwen for taking me under their wings, and some quality conversation! ♥ ♥ ♥ You ladies just made the con for me! And you are awesome dancers - true fax!

gestaltrose, you were the first person to welcome me to the con, and you were super sweet and made me feel one hundred percent (well, 97%, I am REALLY awkward, one person can only do so much) less awkward, so you have my eternal gratitude. And deirdre_c thanks for letting me hang out with you guys. You are a total star, as everyone well knows! girlguidejones and everyone else who stopped by to say "hi" and be nice to the newbie, I love you for it - my bad eyesight and truly pathetic lack of memory for faces (like, prosopagnasia bad) means matching names to faces, nevermind usernames, is an adventure every time and one I frequently fail at! So, Dee, of the Rocky Horror prop bags and beautiful self-customised Wincon swag, 'Popcorn girl' will friend you as soon as my stupid memory kicks me in the ass, and I just want you to know that I deeply appreciate you not laughing at me sprawling on the floor of the lounge, trying to cure my migraine with the vibrations coming up through the floor of the "club" downstairs. XD

Also, kudos and worship to all those who did all the hard work of setting up and running such an incredible con! You guys are intimidating in your awesomeness! I promise if I get to go next year, I will try to be less of a trial to the nerves. *pinky swears*

tsukinofaerii, comics guru/writer goddess, I will follow you over on Dreamwidth, because you rock like the ages. #Steve/Tony #Avengers forever!

Looking back on it, I think maybe I weirded celtic_cookie out by being so intimidated by her fabulousness. Super confident people always make me react like a skittish cat in a room full of rocking chairs. IDEK So, anyone who reads this, I do apologize for my ingrained introverted ways. I gotta be me, I guess *_*

Now back to the retail grind :/

happy happy joy joy, wincon, friending, share the love, fanning

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