On the one hand ...

Feb 28, 2012 03:12

This month so far has not been a good one for me and LJ.  
I've tried to post several times and LJ has just totally lost everything as I am trying to post it.  This has been very discouraging.  I even lost the responses to a meme I wanted to do - I was just too tired and frustrated to go back and do it all over again.  Maybe someday.

And then all my notifications went missing.  For four days.  No explanations or apologies from LJ (not that I expected any). Now I'm scrambling, trying to remember all the fics and things I've been tracking and comments/replies I may have missed.

This just makes me tired.  And RL has not been any better.  I've just been handed a lot more responsibilities at work with no extra compensation, a screwy new schedule (goodbye sleep, it was nice knowing you) and, to top it all off, a severe cut back in time to do the stuff I actually enjoy about my job.  's what I get for offering to "help out" and "support the team"   : /

About all that's cheering me up these days are the awesome folks in Avengers fandom - so amazing and enthusiastic!   Plus - lots of pics and gifs to make me smile.

As a Marvel girl from way back (although more on the X-men/mutant side of things - I always thought 'the Avengers' was a silly name for a superhero group and that "Avengers Assemble!" was an incredibly lame battle cry - and I still think so, but ... oh, excuse me I was just completely distracted from any purported lameness by the insane hotness and utter delight that is the movie!verse cast *hastily wipes up drool*)  I was pleasantly surprised by the not-awfulness of the X-men movies.  
Then I saw Iron Man and enjoyed it thoroughly.  With the exception of Iron Man 2, all the Marvel-verse movies seem to keep improving.  I wasn't expecting to like Thor - it was adorable.  I thought Captain America would be nearly impossible to make plausible and not ridiculous - color me impressed AND giddy with hopes for the future.  This cast, this CAST!  I love Jeremy Renner, have for ages (I have the DVDs of S.W.A.T. and 28 Weeks Later for this reason)  I adore Chris Evans (ditto Push, FF, and Sunshine)  And having seen Thor - that scene where he's pulling on his jeans?- okay that's pure eye-candy.  So far, Darcy and Phil Coulson seem to get more play in the fics than in the films - but that could change, right, Marvel/film execs? Right?

And who knows, maybe 'ScarJo" and Mark Ruffalo will bring about a whole new world of crossover fics - what if Tony ran into lost waif in a luxury hotel in Japan? And it turned out she could kick his ass?  What if ghostly Reese Witherspoon tries to figure out why the guy who rents her apartment is paranoid about not missing his anger management classes?

(On that note, anyone interested in a Gambit/John Carter of Mars crossover fic?  *puppy eyes* I think I'm one of the few fangirls who are just waiting, fingers crossed, hoping the movie is worthwhile.   After what they did to Conan ... sigh.   *dreamily*  ...Taylor Kitsch ... Jason Momoa ....)

And the clincher is that the whole cast is so fic-able (yes, that is a made up word; no, I can't think of a better one) with all sorts of crossover potential (see: the William Brandt/Hawkeye/Bourne triple threat that is JR)  It's like a weird game of 'six degrees of separation' ....  Chris Evans is Cap, but he's also Jensen from the Losers, that brings in Zoe Saldana who's also in Star Trek, which means Chris Pine is available for fic inclusion, thus Tom Hardy, thus Inception crossovers ... it would make my brain hurt if it weren't so glorious.

Also maybe my favorite kind of movie is one where stuff blows up a lot and people have awesome powers and kickass fights while looking really cool.  There's a reason the Matrix, The Crow, Die Hard and the Bourne films are all on my go-to list of 'things I will watch again and again and again...'   (also on that list: Pitch Black, Push, the Fast and Furious ouevre, Doom, Unbreakable (♥), Near Dark, The Forsaken, Gladiator, L.A. Confidential [how'd that get in there?], and the original Star Wars trilogy ... I am not ashamed ;D )

So, to cheer myself up, here are these arts, for me to look at, because I can't get them to be icons as my LJ skillz are not mad, they are more like ... slightly vexed (why is the text always blurry - why?).  One day I will get a decent graphics program (and someone to coach me on how to use it).  *deep wistful sigh*



that is all.

rant, icons, avengers, *headdesk*, lj woe, navelgazing?

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