things are going well for me, I am trying to handle two jobs and school. I like taking a train and going to the city, escaping from Long Island. I like my teachers. They give me good advice. If I went to School of Visual Arts for four years instead of Southampton College, I would be working in a company already. well least I am brushing up on my design concepts. Sat, I went to Ass cave with my honey, It was ok, I got alot of compliments on my new SDL skirt. The club is getting too mainstream. Its scary and it was boring at times because I only had one drink, I wanted to have some money for the week. Sometimes its good to do other things or stay home. Especially when your so tired from work. Ick.
Quiz taken from
Peekasue! Name: April
Sex: female
Age: 24
Screen Name: Distorted syn
Siblings: 1 brother, 20
Height: 5'6'
Hair Color: blonde
Eye Color: blue
Nervous Habits: picking skin of fingers, I know its gross,
Do you bite your nails? sometimes
Can you raise one eyebrow at a time? no
Can you blow smoke rings? sort of
Can you blow spit bubbles?
Can you cross your eyes? no
Tattoos? 3
Piercing? two in each ear,two in tongue septum,navel
Do you make your bed daily? when I feel like it Do you clean your room? yes all the time. I have animals
What goes on first, underwear or socks? underwear
Which shoe goes on first? right
What jewelry do you wear 24/7? circular barbells
and septum retainer, beaded necklace
What's sexiest on a guy? boots!!! pantyhose and stockingslol, Sdl skirts, and
What's sexiest on a girl? thongs, and pantyhose, garters
Favorite Piece of Clothing: SDL Skirt from 8th street lab
Pajamas: tshirt, and sweats
Have you ever eaten Spam? no and never will
Favorite Ice Cream? strawberry
How many cereals in your cabinet? 1 ,oatmeal crunch,
What utensils do you use to eat pizza? none
How often do you brush your teeth? sometimes morning, night
How often do you shower/bathe? every day
How long does your shower last? half an house
Hair drying method? blow dryer
Have you ever colored/highlighted your hair? yes, red, blue, purple, but for now blonde.
If that fountain of youth existed, would you drink it? no
Would you rather have genital herpes or be 50 lbs? niether, what kind of question is this
Do you ever spit? yea when I smoke.
Animal: Chinchillas
Food: salads
Month: April
Day: Saturday, get to see my honey
Cartoon: Family Guy
Flower: not a big fan of flowers
Shoe Brand: Doc Martens
Subject in school: graphic design.
Color: black
TV show: Simpsons and Southpark
Movie: Lord of the Rings Return of the king
Holiday: Halloween
Book: don't have one
Vacationing Spot: I have to get out, um Florida
TV Station: comedy central
The CD Player: God Module
Ever taken a cab? yes too many times
Do you regularly check yourself out in store windows and mirrors? yes
What color is your bedroom? white
Do you use an alarm clock? yes cell phone
Name one thing you are obsessed with: Alex
Have you ever skinny-dipped with the opposite sex? no but want to try
Ever sunbathed nude? no want to stay pale on those certain parts lol
Window seat or aisle? window
What's your sleeping position? on stomach
What kind of bed do you like? Alex's Bed, full size huge matress
Do you snore? allittle.
Do you sleepwalk? no
Do you talk in your sleep? no
Do you sleep with stuffed animals? yes. two my monkies
Coke or Pepsi? niether
Apples or Oranges? oranges
One pillow or two? one
Deaf or blind? deaf
Pools or hot tubs? hot tubs
Blondes or brunettes? blondes
TV or radio? neither cds
Tic-Tacs or Certs? certs
Snooze button or jump out of bed? jump out of bed
Hamburger or Cheeseburger? neither one
Morning or night? night
Indoors or outdoors? indoors
Christmas Eve or Christmas Day? Christmas day
Cake or ice cream? Ice cream
Bert or Ernie? Ernie
Spicy or Mild? spicy
Spearmint or Peppermint? spearmint
Call or Write? call
Peanut Butter or Jelly? peanut butter
Dog or Cat? dog
Bath or shower? shower
Book or Movie? movie
Green or Red apples? red
Rain or Snow? Rain