We got a letter in the mail today from the vet saying that they were sorry for the loss of our Casey. It said that our companions never leave us and that they stay and play in our hearts and memories. This cut down the last branch of hope that I was holding onto. I was praying that they would call and announce they had secretly tried some miraculous breakthrough surgery and that our baby would be fine. But of course this didn't happen and she is gone - for real.
I've never seen my family so shaken up. I've never seen my dad cry until now. My mom didn't go to work for two days because she kept seeing poor Casey trying to follow her out of the room where they were going to put her down. She kept hearing her yelp when she tried to cock her head in that adorable way she used to becuase it hurt so bad. She kept hearing my sister yell her name from upstairs the way she used to. The house is empty without her. She was such a huge part of the family.
We still all have old habbits from when she was around. I can't walk on her side of the bridge for fear that I would step on her poor little paws. I don't sit on her couch because I'm afraid I will get dog hair on me. I still get up to answer my door when I think I hear her scratching at it early in morning to say good morning to me. I can still hear the way she used to jump to try desperately to get food from off the counter. I still expect her to come running when we open the fridge and take lunchmeat out.
I can hear the dogs next door still barking for her. I want to go out and tell them that she is gone so they can mourn her in their own way, the way we all are.
Everyone loved her and she didn't deserve to die so young. But I'm glad that she didn't go through months or years of pain, only a few days of it.
i hope that I treated her well. I hope she knows that we loved her. I hope she was happy.
I still miss her so much. I know that I always will.
I'm sorry that I'm still so worked up, but this is the first time I have ever delt with death first hand and anyone who knows me knows how much I loved my dog.