ok i guess i'm weird but this is what im thinking

Sep 07, 2005 18:34

when i become a parent a long long time from now. i won't drink, i'll do all that i can to give them all they need, i won't let them worrie, i won't ignor them, i will never hit them,i will teach them to do all the things they'll need to know to live on there own, i'll be there when they need me, i'll care. i will do all these things because that what parents should do and they'll never have to take care of me and make sure i'm getting to bed i'll be the one makeing sure they go to bed. and i won't make them clean the place we live i will do it but i will teach them how and maybe once in a while ask them to do it. and i will cook there meals and be there while they eat. and not expect them to just have eaten on there own or expect them to pay for there meal when there is no possible way for them to. i will be better. i will do better because i know i need to.
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