§2 One step at a time III [REBOOT]

Sep 30, 2012 22:20

Title: §2 One step at a time III [original tittle "Heat of the beach", originally aired November 23, 2011]
Collection: Heat of Hawaii
Author: xcsimisiax
Fandom: Hawaii Five-0
Characters/Pairings: Steve/Danny {but other characters regularly appear}
Notes: It's a reboot of my orginal story, it's time for changes.
Summary:  “But I have sex with you a lot in my head since months, and I'm done with this...” [Steve to Danny]
Content of Note: slash, not sex scene but hands are involved.
Warinings: Hmmm english isn't my mother language, so remember about this, okay? lol
Rating: NC-17
Disclaimer: Not mine. Don't own'em, just borrowed'em to play with. No infringement is intended.

“So that's the famous Dylan...” Steve sighed big and squinted his eyes watching carefully the dark hair boy, who helped Gracie with her surfboard, taking it from her hands and pulling into the sand. It looked like for Dylan more important than lesson, was a chance to have this little moment only with their Princess. When Gracie smiled at him being thankful, his face broke into the biggest smile ever, if he wouldn't have ears, that smiled would reach all over his head, Steve was sure about that. If hawk-eyed Steve's right, their Princess even blushed looking at the boy, tilted her head a little bit.

“Huh..” Steve smirked and brushed his hair slowly. “Someone will be really pissed off if I told him about that.” He got that thought and then saluted Gracie. She just turned around and blew him a kiss, he literally could sense how happy she's, even he's sitting 100 meters away.

Since Dylan leant closer to her, he immediately noticed Gracie's movement and followed her sight, glancing straight into Steve's hazel-blue eyes, which became a bit more darker now, since he focused his thought on that little boy, trying to figure out what's exactly going on down the shore. For a second Steve held his breath, something in Dylan truly bothered him, but in a positive way. At that moment Steve couldn't explain himself what's that and why he felt that way, but he knew that sooner or later he'd find his way to meet with the boy and know him better. Just for the case, before Danny would get crazy and for example interrogate an innocent 10 years kid. Steve didn’t know if he should burst out laughing or just shrug his shoulders amused, when he noticed, that the boy simple eyed him up and down.

„Maybe Danny's right, maybe this boy means troubles.” Steve chuckled. It really looked like they both needed to be sure with whom it came them to deal. “Interesting…” Steve murmured under his nose and slowly nodded at Dylan, giving him a sign, that he noticed his look and respected him. Dylan slowly did the same and took out of the sand Gracie's board, he managed to keep his own and hers at the same time. For a moment Steve looked at him surprised, but then everything became clear. Dylan put both boards under his arm trying to balance them, because his left hand reached for Gracie's, grabbing her gently and led her to the rest of the kids and their teachers. Classes had just started.

Sun settled just above Steve's body and he really enjoyed the effect of it. He tried really hard to focus his thoughts on Dylan and Gracie but he failed. No matter how much he tried, it's for nothing. The moment when kids ended in the ocean with the others, having their fun, Steve's thoughts almost ran back to Danny. Steve looked up on the sky and smiled relaxed. The chance to feel the sunlight licking his skin, was always welcome. He spent too many days, weeks and months far away from the paradise of his childhood, to do not be truly aware of the fact, how lucky he's, that he could back home and stay here, he could only hope that this time it's for ever. Even since he came back on the island, his life reminded more some kind of a drama roller coaster than simple living from the day to the day. But did his life ever look like that? Not at all. Steve, since he left his home as a 16 years old boy, did and saw more, than the average person through a life time. He never thought about that much, he never asked questions to God or a Fate why his life turned out that way, he just took it how it was. At the end that's his life, the only one he knew, so he dealed with this fact. But it didn't mean that he never wished to have the other one. Now he felt in his bones, that he got the chance to change his destiny. “Maybe I'm worth to be happy too, huh... Maybe I'm worth to have a chance...” Steve got the thought, and Danny's voice immediately fulfilled his head.“We’ll never say goodbye…” When Steve closed his eyes for a moment, Danny's face simple popped up under his eyelids. Steve scratched his stomach, the sensitive skin on his abs was so hot and simple dried out, because of the temperature and sun, that this move of his fingers made a sound which knocked him out of this daydreaming. When Steve laid down on his back, the fabric of his boxers made a contact with his erected dick causing a big sigh from his lightly open mouth.

It's not a first time when he was turned on and he had to deal with this somehow, not having a real chance to make it the way, he dreamt about not once since months now. He couldn't even release himself inside the toilet, cuz he didn't want to lose Gracie from his sight, and to be honest, he started to get nervous about that. He knew that he didn't have a chance to fool himself about taking a few deep breaths and thinking about new cargo pants. He's in troubles and he had to do something about that. Better sooner than later, before his hard rock dick would simple tore his boxers along with his cargo. “Oh damn it!” Steve sighed big and leant his upper body on his lower arms, spotting Gracie on her pinky-yellow board immediately. At that moment Gracie got on the board and started her lesson, listening carefully to the Kawika's words. He felt calmer knowing that Kono was just right next to her, even they both were aware of the fact, that if anything would happen to Gracie, he'd be in the ocean with a blink of his eyes. It wasn't a first time, when Steve came to the school with Monkey, he knew that a reason why Danny let him to make it that often, was Danny's fear.

Gracie meant world for Danno, she's his everything, simple as that. He changed all his life, he gave up on this, what he had in New Jersey, as a man and as a detective and came to Hawaii, to start a new life, leaving behind his parents and siblings, without a hesitation or the second thought. He didn't care that going on O`ahu could end bad for him, in any kind of way, nothing could stop him, because he did this for his daughter. She's the ray of light for his life, reason to live and to move on, survive everything what's on his road. That's one of the reasons why Steve fell for Danny so deeply. The love what he had toward Gracie, it always simple melted Steve's heart into the biggest puddle. And every time when he realized that Danny let him be a part of his little Ohana never failed to cost him a big sigh and a squeeze of his heart. Steve lost his family the day when his mother was murdered. Nothing was ever the same. And now, since almost one and a half a year, he felt like he got his family back, a true Ohana. A reason why Danny couldn't simple watching Gracie over the ocean was his overprotective nature. Looking at Monkey on the surfboard when he would just sit his ass on the beach and wait for her coming out, would be like the worse torture for Danno. He tried this twice and it cost him almost a heart attack, and Gracie paid for that the biggest shame ever. After that they both made a deal, that he'd be with her only, if Uncle Steve would join them, or he'd let Steve to pick her up to the School.

Steve never minded this, more, he's truly happy cuz it meant always a chance to spend some carefree time with Gracie. Far away from work and any harm what the work for HPD meant. He could just lay on the beach or sit on the warm, white sand, watching carefully how their Princess proved herself that she's a tough one, and she could do this. She could surf. Steve still remembered how pissed and embarrassed Danny was two weeks back, when he came back home. He almost broke the wicker chair, the moment when he settled his body on it. And before Steve could even ask what the hell happened, Danny jumped back on his feet and started to pacing the lanai. After half an hour of sighing big and cursing under his nose, what Steve's watching carefully from the door frame of lanai with crossed arms on his chest and tilted head, he finally got his answer.

“What's the matter with me, Steven?! Why I had to be such a moron sometimes?!” Danny asked him but Steve didn't say a word back, he knew Danny long enough to know, that's safer. Not cuz he's a coward, heck, never, but on the island were always two ways to handle the situation. The hardest and the easiest one. The easiest one was to let Danny talk. So he followed his instincts and there it was.

“I-I... Grace slipped out the board today and she got under the water...”
“Is she okay?” Steve asked and moved closer to Danny, his hands immediately rested on the both sides of his body, and two wrinkles crashed his forehead. Danny held his head up and then put the hand on Steve's arm reassuringly.
“She's totally fine, Steven, she's fine.” He said with a low voice and that's enough to calm Steve down. “But I'm not. The moment she went under the water, I pulled off my shirt and swam to her.”
“Yeah, you do swim man, I know something about that.” Steve smirked and sat down on the wicker chair, but his eyes never left Danny's ones. “So?” Steve asked with an amused smile.
“So it ended the way that all kids simple stared at me, when I held Gracie into my arms. You should see her face... she didn't say a word, she just looked at me with these two blue oceans, fulfilled by embarrassment, and I just knew that I fucked up this big, bro...” Danny finally let it out and settled down on the wicker chair again.
“God, Steve, she never did this silent treatment toward me. Ever. But she did this during whole way back home.”
“Wait, she didn't say a word? Our Princess? That's impossible...” Steve looked at Danny surprised. She truly felt sorry for him, but at the same time he fought hard to do not burst out laughing.
“She did, before she jumped of the car, she looked at me and then she said: “I love you Danno, you're best Dad ever, but could you let me go with Uncle Steve next time, please?” Danny said with an upset look of his face and that's enough. Steve simple lost it and burst out laughing.
“Oh shut up, McGarrett!” Danno yelled but joined him with a laughter too, grabbing the bottle of a beer, which Steve brought him half an hour before.

The truth was that Danny just couldn't keep calm, when Gracie was in a potential danger. He's a father, how he could simple settle down, when Gracie was alone over the ocean? It didn't matter that Kawika and Kono were there too, for him she's alone cuz he wasn't with her, neither was Steve. Danny still couldn't understand why Gracie decided to take a surfing lesson, wouldn't be a perfect if they would just sit on the white sand, far away from the salty water of the Pacific Ocean, watching the waves together? But Steve knew deeply into his heart, that no matter how nervous was Danny about Gracie's surf lessons, he still was the best father ever, and if that's her dream, he's willing to make everything to make it real. They didn't make a technical deal about picking Gracie up and back to the Kawika's Surf School, but they didn't have to. Steve's honored and happy, that Gracie asked about his help. They're Ohana, and that's another proof of that. Besides Steve was the only one person all over the world whom Danny trusted with close eyes, the only one whom he could let to take care of Monkey in and out of the water. And only because of that, and a fact that Gracie truly begged him to give her a chance to take a real surf lesson, Danny said “yes”, when Steve asked him about letting Grace be a student in the Kawika's Surf School.

Steve rubbed his hairline and snapped his neck, when he felt like sweat drops started to fall down on his back from the small curls just above his neck. He grabbed his shirt and looked around, and then he spotted this, what he's looking for, the beach showers. Steve glanced back over the ocean, calming himself that Gracie's still safe and sound and judging from the sounds what kept coming to the shore from over the ocean, she and the rest of the students had a really great fun together. Steve stood up slowly, shutting his eyes when he brushed the tip of his dick accidentally through the fabric of his pants and boxers. “Oh God...” Steve murmured. His hands started to shake a bit. He's so turned on, that it started to simple slip out his hands. Steve sighed big and slowly reached the shower and then he pulled the cold water straight on his head, then also on his back and chest. He's careful, balancing his body the way, that somehow he's able to do not wet his shorts. Danny's always surprised, maybe even in a shock, that Steve never noticed the attention he gained, every time he found himself between women. “Are you alive?! Helo?!” Steve heard not once from Danny, more focusing on Danny's fingers on his wrist than on the women around them. And this situation was just the same like usual, he's too focused on simple enjoying the cold water on his warm skin, to sense that bunch of women next to him simple ate him alive, giggling like teenagers. Steve shook his head, so water drops fell all around him and made him smirk, when he felt like some of them rested on his butt, just under the shorts, rolling down on his wet back. When some of them found their way down to his loins, he just hissed impatiently grabbing his shirt from the stone wall next to the shower and looked back, checking Gracie up.

Sun was so high at that moment and so bright at the same time, that even after a cold shower, Steve felt like his body immediately became a sweaty one again. He squinted his eyes the same way like usually Danny did this and looked sharp around, checking carefully what's going on over the ocean and around him. Maybe he didn't wear his commo gear anymore, but deeply into his heart, he still was the Navy SEAL, and nothing or no one would be able to change this. Maybe Danny, but in the other hand, he never minded his soldier attitude, more, it looked like he loved this side of Steve, just as much as Steve loved his police side. That's who Steve's, and he's proud of this. The moment when he calmed himself down, that Gracie was still safe and sound, he turned back his gaze and then he saw that bunch of women, who still stared at him, whispering something to each other like teenagers. Polite smile reached Steve's handsome face, when one of the woman waved her hand at him. When he waved her back, his cargo along with his boxers brushed his hard rock cock the way, that he had to shut his eyes immediately to do not moan deeply. Realization about his rock hard cock was like a cold shower on his head. Before the woman came closer to him, Steve nodded his head at her and walked back fast, causing a cut on his down lip, when he bit it with full force, trying to do not groan in the process, when fabric of his boxers all the time made contact with the soft skin of his dick.

The moment when he came on the same spot of the beach where he laid before, he settled his body down and sighed big. It's not like he never was turned on before. He's. Not once. But now he's in a public place, full of people, and the last thing he could think about was getting rid of his pants and boxers and help himself. “Cold shower, huh?” Steve sighed big again and smiled at himself. “How could I be such a naive thinking that I'd be able to handle this that way? I need Danny not a damn shower.” Steve thought and then he felt a vibration inside of his right pocket. The moment when he pulled his phone out, he smirked amused, brushing his hair impatiently. “Speaking of the devil....” Steve murmured under his nose. The moment when he heard Danny's voice, he felt how his already rock hard dick, started to pulsing slowly causing him to tremble. “Perfect”. He sighed into the phone and rolled his eyes ashamed.

“You missed me?” Steve asked and smirked when Danny cursed into the phone as an answer.

“Fuck, yeah, I wish I could be there with you...” Danny hissed and turned the left with such a speed, that Chin grabbed the inside handle on Camaro's door.

“Seriously?!” Steve asked and held his breath.

“Right, moron, my ass.” Danny barked to the phone, but his voice failed him, that little trembling tone, this breath what he held back the same like Steve did this, a moment before he answered the question. Steve brushed his cheek and closed his eyes, when he felt like his cock started to pulsing harder.

“Tell me better, how's Monkey? Is there this boy, you know, that little stalker with her?” Danny asked and didn't even realized that Chin knitted his eyebrows, looking at Danno with a smile.

“A stalker Danny, huh? Really? You start with this again?” Steve said and opened his eyes, looking over the ocean, checking Gracie up, to be sure that she's still safe and sound. And that's a right moment to focus his attention on her again, because she actually stood up on her board and with all her might she just tried to keep the balance. It's not an easy task to manage, especially in front of her teachers and whole class mates, but Steve knew better. Of course it's not something easy to stay on the board, it's so easy to slip under the water, to lose the balance and simple ended into the salty Pacific Ocean, with a blink of an eye, but she's his little girlie. He's aware of this, what she's capable of, and somehow when he covered his eyes from the sunlight and looked sharp on the place where all kids were, he noticed that he's not the only one who kept his fingers crossed. Dylan sat on his board not too far from Gracie and he literally clenched his fists the way that he could hold his thumbs, he's carefully observing Gracie, and even Steve couldn't hear his words, he's sure that he cheered her up, giving her all the support what she needed at that moment. And then it happened, not too big wave showed up from a nowhere and there she's, keeping her balance, feeling the pulsing of the water under her girlish board, surfing as a little pro, sliding over the wave, what's licking her board gently, like it'd want to show her, that she's on her side too. Before Danny could hiss at Steve why the hell he treating him with the silence, he heard Steve's loud “Yes!” straight into his unprepared ear.

“Are you out of your fucking mind, Steve?! What the hell?! What was that?! You want to make me deaf or what?!” Danny shouted back at him, and for a moment his hands left the Camaro's wheel, when Danny started to wave them like crazy. Chin grabbed the wheel immediately trying to do not crash the car on the next line to them, but Danny just looked at him with a wrinkled forehead and an open mouth. Chin didn't hesitate, he put hands back on his knees and smirked closing his eyes again and leaning his head back on the seat. Something bothered Chin, but he couldn't name it, something was up, but he didn't know what exactly. Since a longer time than just few weeks, Chin felt that there's something between his friends. First he thought that maybe he imagined this, not cuz he had a problem with two men being in love, that's not the case. Something was going on and he's more and more sure about that. Especially that both Steve and Danny started to behave around each other in a different way. Looks which they shared, tone of their voices, the way how they held their breaths, how not once they lost themselves into each other, biting lips, or licking them. He stopped to think that he imagined these things, when on the last barbecue at his place, his eyes met with Malia's when Steve and Danny got into argument about the meat. The way they did this, fulfilled words with their longing looks, checking up on each other, biting lips simple blew their minds away. That's simple breathtaking.

“Interesting.” Chin got this thought for something like a million time in last months and backed to his usual zen state, enjoying the ride and listening carefully to the talk.

“Damn it, Danny, you should see this! Our baby girl! She made it! You hear me, she did it! Yes, damn it, she did!” Steve shouted like a machine gun, still pulling his clenched right fist up in a win gesture.

“What she did? She punched that little stalker?” Danny asked and stopped the car on the red light. Chin cracked one of his eye, and closed it again after he checked that Danny really meant this what about he asked.

“She did what? Damn it, hell, no! She didn't punch Dylan, you're unbelievable! She owned the wave! Do you hear me? She did it! She's surfing in front of everybody, oh you can be proud of Monkey, damn I'm!” Steve sighed and smile reached not only his handsome face but also his already shinning eyes when Gracie sat back on the board and looked at her uncle with the biggest smile ever. Dylan just swam closer to her, keeping his both thumbs up.

“Really? I knew she'd make it! That's my girl!” Danny shouted and a proud simple fulfilled his voice. He's happy, the only thing about what he's dreaming right now, was to be with his daughter and his man on the North Shore, celebrating her success.

“Yeah, and that's why you didn't want her to learn surfing, right? Huh?” Steve teased Danny for purpose, closing his eyes and imagined his face, how he immediately tensed and squinted his eyes.

“You said something, Steven?” Danny asked and pulled the gas pedal with such a force, that Chin immediately opened his eyes and grabbed the handle of the door with both of his hands.

“Nope, of course I didn't.” Steve chuckled and brushed hair again opening his eyes just to check up on Gracie and closing them right away.

Hearing Danny's voice was one, but listening to his breathing, the way how his tone changed along with his mood was different kind of story. And even Steve tried to stay sober, his erection simple blew his mind away. When he stroked his dick through the cargo’s he could feel at the tip of his fingers, that the fabric started to become really wet. “Damn it, just perfect, like really.” Steve got the thought and sighed big. He wanted Danny so much, that is started to cost him a more bitter than the sweet pain into his loins. He waited for Danny such a long time, longing for a chance to kiss him, to touch him, to feel him, that now, when a chance for being together became a real one, he simple couldn't hold himself back anymore. It's nothing new that he thought about Danny all the time, he used to this, but now he couldn't even not to do this. There's no way, like Danny would be some kind of addiction, and Steve really didn't want to get over it. Better, he just wanted more, and more.

“Are you still there?” Danny asked and an irritation fulfilled his voice. The way how Steve's steady breath sounded into his ears, made that he just wanted to stop the car and close his eyes, loosing himself into the sensation of this simple move, stroking his dick, letting go all the feelings what he held inside. He'd never said this loud, but more than siting now in the Camaro with Chin, he wished to sit right next to Steve on the warm sand, feeling him close to himself, smelling his familiar scent, enjoying the heat of his body, searching for any excuse to touch him again.

“Yes, I'm.” Steve coughed and rubbed his face. “Meet us on Kamekona's shrimp bar, in a half an hour, okay?” Steve asked and licked the drop of his blood, from his lower lip, what stayed there, after he bit it badly on the way back to the spot where he's siting.

“Deal.” Danny said and just before he could hang up on Steve, he stopped him.

“Danny... Listen I... I know you're not alone in this car, Danny, and I know that's a good excuse to keep your mouth shut, but I know you... I know you and... And I know that you miss me and want me as much as I miss and want you right now... I can't believe I'm saying this through the phone... That I say it anyway, but... But I have sex with you a lot in my head since months, and I'm done with this... Yes... I'm... I'm done with this because I want you Danno... So deal with this too, okay? Cuz I'm not going to hold myself anymore. Not anymore...” Steve's low voice sounded in Danny's ears still, even when Steve's last name disappeared from screen of his phone and talk was over. He didn't even realized that they're already on the Kamekona's place and Chin's staring at him thoughtful. He saw how Danny swallowed hard and closed his eyes before he put his phone back to his pocket and it made him to stay in the car for a moment.

Chin didn’t say a word, he didn’t even sigh louder, when the talk was over. For a moment he closed his eyes and pretended that he's still in his own zoned out state. But the truth was that he wanted to give Danny a time to settle down and pull himself together, before they would get out the car and join his cousin Kamekona in his shrimp bar. Even without opening his eyes, Chin could sense that Danny was still tensed and a relax was the last thing about what he could think at that moment. And that's the reason why he took a decision to leave him alone, he knew that there’s a time in lives of his friends, when he should simple step back, and let them deal with their issues alone. If anyone would ask him, about Steve and Danny's relationship after he witnessed that phone call, for sure he’d say that it's not a damn business of this person like at all. But if he'd ask himself about the same, he'd have to admit, that there's something serious in the air but it didn't surprise him at all. The tension between his friends grew up with every passing week and Chin felt it. He'd swear that Kono felt it too, but since they're truly private people, they never discussed about that. The same like Kono never came to him and told him, that she's in love with Steve, even Chin's not blind at all and he knew about that since almost the beginning of that crush.

Chin ran his palms through his face and let himself to sigh slowly. Kono was more than just a cousin for him, she's more like his sister, the best friend he ever had, just after his wife Malia. When he thought about her, a smile appeared on his face and his heart made a somersault when he looked down at his right hand. A simple gold ring was still there, and it calmed him down immediately. Malia became his wife for a second time in their lives a month ago, when after more than one year of a separation, they found the way to each others hearts one more time, making themselves two the most happy persons all over the world. He could only wish, that Kono would meet the right guy, and became a happy one too, but she's still young, and she had enough time to make it. His overprotective nature wasn't the fan of a thought, that some guy could come to Kono's life and simple took her away. Yes, sometimes Chin could be a really overprotective, in a way which was so typical for Danno. Especially when it was about his family. He looked to the side when Danny's still siting and he smiled a little bit. Chin easily could notice how Danny tensed at the end of the talk, his hands were shaking a little bit, how he swallowed hard. Besides during the whole talk, Danny blushed from time to time or sighed big, without even acknowledging this, what he's doing. That's not a brotherly relationship, not anymore.

„Maybe never was.” Chin thought when he got out the car and came closer to his cousin. Kamekona like always went out of his shrimp truck and welcomed him with open arms, pulling him closer to his chest, almost suffocating him in the process.

Danny didn’t get out that fast from the car. He didn't even notice that they spent with Chin some time in a completely silence after the talk, he's too lost in his own thoughts and feelings to acknowledge the world outside. He let Chin go first and he stayed in the Camaro for a few minutes longer. He couldn’t calm himself down, he simple couldn't make it. The way how Steve said his message to him, the way how his low voice trembled when he's saying how much he wanted Danny made, that Danny simple lost his breath for a moment. He really couldn't control this, it's stronger than he's, but it wasn’t a big surprise like at all. Danny needed and wanted Steve for such a long time, that now, when he’s sure, that this affection had a respond straight from Steve’s heart, nothing and no one could stop him anymore. And that simple fact scared him a bit. He’s at the car with Chin, and because of that, he really should behave, he should stay sober, not lost his head in such an easy way. But still, he did it. He simple lost it the moment when Steve’s whisper and promise fulfilled his ear and sent a shiver up and down his spine. Danny could swear that he truly felt, like his heart stopped beat for a second and then warmness, like a ball of a fire, ran through his body and rested into his loins, making that his cock became hard with a blink of his eyes. That's not a first time when he got an erection because of Steve, but this time was different. This time he didn't imagine anything, he didn't dream anymore, Steve really said this to him and he's about to make his words real later that day.

„Oh my God...” Danny whispered and blinked his eyes few time, like he’d just wake up and looked around uneasy. He immediately spotted Kamekona, who’s at that moment closing Chin into his big and always loving arms and that picture made him smile. The Big Cuz like they used to call Kamekona, always had his way to make all of them smile and feel amused at the same time, that's his thing and everybody loved him for that. When Danny wanted to take out the key and got out the car, he accidentally brushed his cock through the fabric of his pants and boxers, and trembled at the sensation.

“What's the matter with me?!” He asked himself and sighed big. The way how Steve drove him crazy, how he teased him only with his words, started to get the upper hand off Danny. He could only image how rock hard Steve had to be, when he called him, he could sense this from the way he's breathing during the phone call. He took deep breaths, he made pauses, sometimes even hissed through his teeth, like he'd accidentally, or maybe even not, touched himself. Danny slowly brushed his hard rock cock through the fabric of his pants, but this time, he made it for a purpose. He easily could feel his full length during his petting, and when he closed his eyes and imagine Steve's hand instead of his own he trembled and moaned low, what scared him a bit and pushed him to open his eyes, blinking nervously.

“Oh my God, what the hell is wrong with me?! What the hell is wrong with me...?” Danny murmured under his nose and brushed his face with shaking hands, and through his nostrils he could easily smell his pre-cum, since front of his dark pants was soaking wet cuz of it. Danny froze for a second and then almost jumped on the seat, when he heard a scream of Kamekona.

“Hey my haole brother from another mother, are you going to join us, or you stay inside the car, sleeping with opened eyes?” Kamekona’s ask pushed Danny to pull himself together. That’s enough of his daydreaming for now; since the morning Danny acted like on some kind of drugs, now it’s time to back to more sober state of his mind.

“Wish this could be that simple.” Danny whispered under his nose and smoothed his hair impatiently. Last look onto the car mirror and he’s ready to leave the car. At least his upper body was ready to make it; the other part of his body was ready too, but for completely different kind of action. Walking to Chin and Kamekona wasn’t an easy task to do, but when he finally managed this, he sat down on the chair immediately trying to cover his erection from his friends eyes hiding his dick and loins under the table.

At the same time when Danny tried to deal with his erection on the Kamekona’s bar thinking about food, Steve tried to make the same with his own problem. Unfortunately he’s still on the public shore, with a lot of people around, so he couldn't do much about that. He and Danny had a really hard task to deal with, and a word “hard” was truly a key word over there. Steve checked the watch and then looked up at the classes and he realized that kids and teachers got out the water already. Steve put his phone back to his pocket and closed his eyes for a moment, laying his back on the warm sand, letting himself to be lost into the image of pantless Danny in the middle of his kitchen once again since the morning. Steve's sure that his kitchen would never look the same for him, he'd always see Danny there, pantless, excited, his. He’s so close to reach him, he’s so close to simple pull down Danny's boxers along with his pants and finally witness this, what about he’s dreaming since months now. But he didn’t. Steve’s aware of the danger of his movements, if he’d let himself sunk a bit longer into his daydreaming, it’d end with a truly embarrassing scene if his hand would go down again, like it happened accidentally under the beach shower, and it’s the really last thing he needed right now. For his own sake Steve forced himself to open his eyes and pulled his shirt on his bare chest. Since his skin was sweaty, the sand stayed on his back, but he didn't care much about that. He just wanted to disappear from the North Shore and finally find himself again next to Danny. He wanted to push him on the wall and drawn himself into his lips, tasting him all over again, pulling finally his boxers down, and taking this, what he really wanted.

„I'm miserable!” Steve sighed and stood up. „Damn it!” He hissed immediately, when the bitter pain into his loins became even more bitter than it's before and he knew, that he had to make something about that, better it'd be soon, before he'd get really crazy. But before he sunk himself into this ranting about his miserable, longing for Danny state, he was saved by their little Princess, who ran to his open arms like a jumping „ball of love” screaming at the top of her lungs.
„Uncle Steve! Uncle Steve! Did you see it?! Did you?!” Steve groaned when Gracie's head made a close contact with his ribcage almost crashing few of his ribs during the process, but he wasn't going to complain about that at all.
„I'm so proud of you, Monkey.” Steve said and his voice trembled a little bit when Gracie freed herself from his embrace and looked up straight into his eyes.
„I wish Danno could see this.” She said but Steve didn't find a sadness into her shinning eyes, or sense a pain into her voice. „But you're here with me, Uncle Steve, and it matters the same for me.” Gracie stated and snuggled up to him again. Steve smiled to himself and whispered back.
„You know Danno, he's too afraid of you to simple sit here and watch you but I talked with him when you owned the wave and believe me, he's truly and madly proud of you, Monkey. You're his shinning Rock star. Our Rock star.” Steve said and since Gracie's face was buried into his shirt, he could sense how she smiled at his words.

„So do I deserve the biggest Shave Ice from Uncle Kame?” Grace asked and grabbed Steve's hand.
„Yes, Ma'am, you deserve them like really but first We'll reach the Shrimp Bar, cuz Danno waits for us there with Uncle Chin, maybe even Auntie Malia will join us, since she supposes to have a lunch break soon in the hospital.” Steve said checking his watch again. „But hey, where's your board?” He asked and looked around surprised.
„Dylan keeps it, I have to go back there, Uncle Kawika wants to talk with us about something. I just ran to you to ask if I can go? Could you wait for me, Uncle Steve, please?” Grace asked and waved her eyelashes in a way that he never could be able to say „no” to her.
„I'm the coolest uncle ever, or am I not? Of course I'll wait for you, go, Baby, I'll find you after the meeting, I need to talk with Kawika for a second, okay?” Steve asked and caressed Gracie's cheek gently.
„Okay!” Gracie shouted and ran back to Dylan and rest of the classmates.

Steve found Kawika in his office, he took some papers from there and was on his way back to Kono and kids, when Steve stopped him.
„Man, can I use your office? My phone just died and I need to make a call to Governor. You know Denning, he can be a real pain in the ass.” Steve asked and spotted the phone on Kawika's desk.
„Yeah, sure, no problem.” He said and left Steve alone. Steve leant out the room, checking the hall, but there's no one in the nearby, so he slowly closed the door and locked them. Then he looked around curiously, pulling his shirt off and putting it on the top of the desk. He settled down his ass on the chair and sighed big. It's risky but he didn't have a choice, he had to make it, before his erection would simple kill him right away. He felt embarrassed that he couldn't hold this back, that he couldn't deal with his pulsing dick in any other way, but he's just a man, a man in love, full of needs and lust, what he kept inside him for such a long time, that he couldn't make it anymore. Kawika's office wasn't the best place to let himself to release but still, that's better than the public toilet and he could only dream about going to his own house. That's out of the reach, since Gracie was with him.

This was crazy how much he missed Danny, even when they only finished their phone call. Steve looked up at the door, assuring himself that he locked them up, he really needed to use some privacy. He fished out his own phone from the pocket and checked the album with pictures. He never told Danny about that but he made a picture of him, the other day, when he slept on the couch. Steve went down to take the glass of water, it's an early morning, he just woke up because of the headache and he needed to do something about that. The moment when he spotted Danny, he almost ran onto the couch, it's miracle that he didn't make it eventually. Danny slept with with a slightly open mouth, the blanket pulled down from his chest, and here he's, half-naked. Thank God Steve left his phone that night on the kitchen table. He'd not lose the chance to get a picture of shirtless Danny, on his couch, sleeping, looking so innocent and hot at the same time. He moved his butt to find more comfortable position and stroked his dick through his pants. The low moaning left his mouth, before he could even stop it. He swore that one day his erection would kill him. Not that he didn't appreciate that kind of death, but still he wished to have Danny next to him then. Steve brushed gently the screen of his phone, like he would just caress Danny's chest with his thumb. When he closed his eyes he could even imagine that his fingers lingering Danny's chest hair, which were tickling his fingertips and teasing them at the same time.

With close eyes Steve unbelted his shorts and pull them a bit on his thighs down to his knees, along with his now almost soaking wet black boxers. His rock hard cock immediately rested solid into his palm. He could feel how it's pulsing rhythmically being warm and hard. Steve hissed as he wrapped his hand around himself and made the first move pulling down and up the soft skin on his dick. His palm was sweaty around his dick but it didn't surprised him at all. He's nervous about the circumstances but he's also totally turned on and that mixture ended between his legs, making him hard and hot at the same time. It's stronger than he's, he imagined Danny, who's kneeling in front of him, touching him and petting his cock and it made that he gasped and bit his down lip, cutting the loud moaning from the deepest part of his stomach. When he held his breath back and concentrated even harder on the vision, he could almost feel the moving of Danny's tongue along his full length. Steve left palm moved slowly and steady on his cock, from the top to the balls, pulling his skin up and down, driving himself crazy. He all the time reached the tip of his cock, drawing slow and sensual circles, teasing himself, making his dick even hotter with his thumb.

Steve's breath became husky and short, he couldn't slowing down his heartbeat. He's scared that any moment it could simple jump out the ribcage. His chest and back became sweaty, droplets of his sweat were making their own way down on his sensitive skin. Steve waped away some of them from his abs, cuz they teased him and drove him crazy at the same time, but that just made things even harder to bare, since his fingers glistened with his pre-cum and left white spots of his spoof all over his stomach. Steve sighed big and grabbed harder on his cock. When he brushed himself with a thumb he could feel how veins were pulsing rapidly into his cock, pumping the blood faster and faster, making him even harder and warmer. Steve hissed when he grabbed himself a little bit to harsh, but this didn't stop his movements, more he changed the palm and now his right hand was taking him to the top. His touches became longer, his fingers, not only teased his cock but also his balls. He couldn’t held himself back, he needed to end this, he needed to release himself, and nothing could stop him anymore. He once again recalled Danny's imagine under his eyelids, he could see again how he's kneeling in front of him, how he licked his cock all over, coming back on and on to the top of it and sucking on it with close eyes, time to time biting him gently, causing louder moan cuz of that.

Steve palm started to move faster, he pulled and brushed his balls, with the left hand, when his right one was busy with his dick. His hands started to shake, when the pleasure started to born between his legs, making his breathing even more husky, instinctively he started to move his hips along with his palms, he flexed his body biting his down lip. He spat onto his right palm and pulled the saliva all over his sweaty cock, making his movements even faster, grabbing his cock harder and massaging his balls all the time. He knew that he's closer to hitting the top, the moment when he saw again Danny's mouth around his cock, he started to breath faster, moaning deeply, clenching his palm even stronger on himself. With few more steady moves of his hand an orgasm speared all over his body, making him almost screaming in a pleasure. His palm and fingers became sticky the moment when his cum splashed on his abs and thighs. Steve bit his down lip so badly during the process, that he tore the sensitive skin there and now he could taste his own blood on his tongue. He slowly opened his eyes and looked down on his pulsing cock, his stomach was covered with his jizz. His body still shook, thanks to the aftermaths of hitting the top with Danny's visualization. For a moment he couldn't catch his breath, he just tried to calm his rapidly beating heart, the pleasure washed his whole body with such a big wave, that not only his body but also his hairlines became a sweaty. With a shaking hand Steve grabbed his shirt from the top of the desk and without even thinking about this what he's doing, he cleaned his stomach and cock. The moment when he reached his thighs, his phone started to ring, and without even thinking what's he's doing, Steve simple jumped out the chair. In the process he hit his knees on the desk, so he lost his balance and ended on the carpet cursing like crazy.

„Fuck!” Steve cursed again trying to pull himself together from the floor. He didn't even realized that during the fall he pushed the „Accept” button.

„Steven, where the hell are you and Monkey? What are you doing anyway?!” Danny's voice fulfilled Kawika's office, even when he's not on the speaker, causing that Steve's cock sent a new wave of pleasure through all over his body. Steve's heart was still beating like crazy and he tried with all his might to catch his breath, not to mention his shaking hands and legs. Saying that he was shocked was simple an understatement. He just released himself into his palm thinking about Danny, and here he's, calling him, like he'd simple drag him to make it, sending a sign to get in a contact. Now when he could hear Danny's voice, still being half-naked made, that his heart started to beat faster once again. He eventually picked up the phone with shaking hands, his cum covered the box of it immediately. Because of the phone call and the falling down, he didn't have a chance to clean his palms.

„We're... totally... fine...” Steve whispered making breaks after every word. He rested his back on the side of the desk closing his eyes. Without even acknowledging this, what he's doing, his left hand grabbed his warm cock hardening all over again.

§2 One step at a time II [REBOOT] ] & §3 It wasn't for nothing I [REBOOT] →

fic: steve/danno, rating: nc-17, hawaii five-0, danny williams, fiction: slash, heat of hawaii, steve mcgarrett

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