Need some help, again. For school.

Dec 20, 2011 22:16

Hey guys, it's me again.
Since you guys are shattered all over the world, I thought I could ask you for help.
In English(subject) our topic is how Globalization influences/changes/destroys culture.
Since, for example, on german musical evenings in school, there are only english songs which were being sung, no german, traditional ones.
While talking about this, we had the following information.
The Onion and the Iceberg - Culture and the Individual

To the Onion-thing: "Culture is like an onion: It has many layers, which we need to peel away to understand the individual at the centre. When we talk about communication with people from different cultures, we usually think of communication with different countries. But countries form simplythe outside layer of the culture onion. Regions, religions, class, gender, race, etc. within a country are often as varied as the countries themselves.
At the centre we find individuals who have their own "culture", usually called personality or identity. Often, individual personalities are very different from the national stereotypes we have in our minds. How can we develop the competencies for understanding and responding to these various layers when dealing with people from other countries? One approach would be to build a framework into which cultural experiences can fit. Apart from time, space, politeness, etc. some of the key dimensions of this framework are stereotypes and how we deal with them."

The iceberg-thing: "Culture is like an iceberg. Only the tip of the iceberg is visible - in this case expressions of culture like language, food, clothing, literature, films, etc. Below the water are the underlying attitudes, beliefs, values and meanings - much more difficult to perceive, detect and define."

Okay, so that's all the information we got and now I have to do the following task. Not me, but I am supposed to ask you (everyone of youXD) to do this.
Task: Think of all the "layers" that are around a person from your country. Make a rough list og them.

It would be great if someone here could help me with this. Since I need as many different countries as I can get ^____^
Please tell me your country and th rough list.
Thanks alot in advance!! <3 <3 <3
P.S. Sorry, if I made mistakes. It's late and I'm tiredXD
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