Aug 05, 2005 20:58
hehehehhe lol im so hyper n bored n my fuckin back n theighs hurt like a bitch! im gojn to sleep in an hour n a half.... two more days of summer...yesssssss im so sick of summer! lol i went to school thursday with cassandra to get my schedule n we went into mr pattersons room to see if he was there n he wasnt then he walked in n i ran and jumped on him n gave him a HUGE hug lol we talked n he asked if we wanted to b water gurls for the fbb team lol we said wed think bout it lol. omg! so much drama!! ok las nite me cassandra trevor kevin were on the fone n me n kevin got into it n we were yellin at eachother cuz he was goin on bout how im "a rich preppy gurl" this all started bcuz he said he was the blackest person on the fone n it was a hard decission on whos white between me n trevor n i was like "actaully..if u want to get technical, im blacker than u bcuz ive had black in me" n hes like blah blah blah.. then he was goin on bout how im a rich prep (AHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHHAA) then i snapped sayin yea wut the fuck kevin jus bcuz i have a hot tub DOESNT mean im rich (cuz thats wut he said) and for ur info, the hot tub came with the house n wen we got it it was broke n then he was like uve never lived in a poor place and he said sumthin bout livin in apts. n sandra stepped in n was like ok so jus cuz u live in a apt. doesnt mean ur poor n idk im jus like im sorry im not black like u kevin n he hung up on me. but so much shit wit kevin sean n johnny and then kendrcik FUCK U THREE! u aint gonna touch my man. thats funnny as fuck if yall think u can take kendrick n 2 of his boiz. hahahahaha!! alrite its almost out
peace muh niggaz!