Aug 15, 2004 18:37
ok, so for all of you that didnt know, apparantly, mat and i were married. yeah. because, the fact that i hooked up with other guys, and flirted with other guys, or even associated myself with guys other than him was obviously just oh so wrong. well, wouldja look at that. god damnit. im goin straight ta hell. whatever though; im glad hes "over me." at least hes "happy" now. hes just glowing now, rays of fucking sunshine... lemma tell ya. cuz i just made him oh so miserable ::puts on her emo face:: its a shame that he thought i was a waste of time though. ehh, oh well i guess. not a whole helluva lot i can do about it, is there? whatever though. he "doesnt even wanna be friends now. fuck that." ooook. whatever turns ya on sweetheart.
in other news... uhm, hm. got ta hang out with my boyfriend last night =) yay >.< havent done that in like, forever, ish.i think he was mad at me. cuz me nikki n his bro got kinda fucked up. mwahhaah. whatever though, it was hella fun, in tha long run neways. too many people there baby?? lol.
uhm, brit n robert, wow. lol. ahhh drama drama drama. shes moving out soon >.< more closet space for me. ::sad face:: ill miss her though. after all, she IS taking all of her clothes... but yah.thats enough for now. more from the "cold heartless bitch who plays guys like a deck of cards and dances to the beat of breaking hearts." love it! lol. had ta be there.... later <3