Jun 11, 2005 01:52
Day Two San Antonio didn't go so smoothly.
First off, the Honda dealership still didn't have the proper paperwork needed in order to register my vehicle. They were waiting for someone to deliver the paperwork from a dealership (I originally wrote "delivership"... hehe) just north of the city, but there was an overturned truck, which was full of detonators, that caused an evacuation and major traffic delays due to the road being shut down completely for almost 10 hours. However, they were able to bring my car across the street to the Chevy dealership for the paperwork to get done and to make matters worse they put down on that sheet that my car was a 2004 and not a 2005. So, I had to wait for the correction to be made, because no alterations can be made to that sheet.
Now sheet completed, I headed over to the Vehicle Title and Registration office to register my vehicle, because you would think that would be the place to go to do such a thing, but no. After waiting for twenty mintues or less for my number to be called, I was told that they do from out-of-state registrations at the county tax office. So onward ho. The line at the tax office was massive and I was so scared that I didn't have all the proper paperwork. I heard people in front of me needing the title of their vehicles, and I didn't have one. However, thankfully, I didn't need one, since I have a lien on my vehicle. Thank goodness for financing. Ha! On the bad side, I had to pay about $150 to get my car registered. What happened was that since Connecticut sales tax is less than Texas sales tax, I had to pay the tax difference on my vehicle. (I still don't understand that whole situation, but whatever.) To make matters worse, they only accept cash or local drawn checks! I almost had a heart attack. I don't have money in my checking account to spare for this! However, I had no choice and had to withdraw money from the ATM that they had so conveniently located inside. Argh! All said and done, I have my registration sticker and license plates that I need to put on my vehicle in the morning. Goodbye Connecticut plates, aww.
Car Inspection... CHECK
Car Registration... CHECK
Driver's License... Immediately after getting my car registered, I headed over to DPS (Department of Public Safety; Texas's version of the DMV... don't ask!) to get my driver's license. All went well with filling out the forms and whatnot, but I failed the eye exam! I am now required once again, as I was in New York, to wear my glasses when I drive. I hate wearing my glasses when I drive. They cause me to look tired when I have them off and I hate having those damn glasses marks on my nose and I don't want to get contacts because I hardly wear my glasses. However, I have no choice in the issue, it's law. Then, she took my picture, and I don't think I was fully ready because when the flash went off, I was taken off-gard. Please, pray that my picture comes out right.
Now, unfortunately, Texas works like New York when issuing driver's licenses. You get a paper license and then have to wait 2-4 weeks to get the real license in the mail. In Connecticut they printed the driver's license right then and there, which I feel is cool, but that's besides the point. Now the problem with paper licenses is that they can get ruined and lost so much easier. Now get this, within 6 hours of having my paper license I lost it! I completely lost it!! How in the world did I lose my license?!! God, I'm so mad at myself. Now, I'm going to have to go back to DPS Monday morning and get another one. Who does that within one day of having it? Only me.
So, then I decided to check out one of the malls in the area, which I found out later is suppose to be their best one. Let me tell you, it's the most retarded mall I have ever been too. I should just now avoid all the other malls. The whole setup was ridiculous and there were way too many people in there for a Friday mid-afternoon. So after browsing a bit, I went upstairs to the food court and got some dinner. I was in complete awe when I was sitting there; two guys a distance in front of me were just chillen in the food court downing some beers! Only Texas!! Which reminds me... There was a sign in the Honda dealership's cashier office that stated no hand-guns permitted beyond this point or something to that effect.
After the whole mall, I went to Wal*Mart to buy a desk and then I went to H-E-B (San Antonio's biggest grocery chain) to buy some groceries. People there were just so interested that I was from "Connecticut." The cashier found it amazing and then when I was in the parking lot putting my groceries in the trunk, I heard some lady say that she wanted to see my license plate. She wasn't talking to me, but to one of the ladies that she was with. She wasn't able to see it because when I opened the trunk that license plate went up with it. So, as she was walking by, she turns to me and asks where I was from. I said "Connecticut," and she was like oh and kept walking. I smiled in amusement. (I put Connecticut in quotes because you all know I'm from New York, but I have to say I'm from Connecticut due to my license plates and my driver's license. However, tomorrow there will absolutely be no sign of where I'm truly from, because a: I had to surrender my CT driver's license; and b: tomorrow I have to put my Texas plates on.)
I'm basically a Texan now! Gosh, that rocks my world!
I got a phone call today from Bank of America. I met all their prequalifying criteria and they would like me to take an assessment on Monday morning. Then if I pass the assessment, I will have paperwork to fill out, and then from there the recruiter in the area will be contacted and then I would assume the whole interview process will commence. She told me that she hopes I don't mind, but they are moving quickly on this, which is more than fine with me! So ya'll keep your fingers crossed for me now. I need a job like whoa! I'm close to being broke (well, actually I always have been broke, but I mean completley to the point of not being able to pay my bills) and I'm a little frightened with the lack of income. I think I may apply for a night job anyhow tomorrow, because I need some income coming in immediately. Too many bills. Too many bills. Damn 23 sucks... LoL
But, it's alright, I'm a Texan and that just puts a smile on this New Yorker's face. What a contradiction, but hey, no matter where I go, I'll always be a New Yorker. (As I hear my mother saying right now "TRAITOR!")
Alright, I should head to bed. My roommate mentioned that he's going to cut the grass tomorrow and I rather be up before he does it, rather than it waking me up. Also, I have a dresser, desk, and a chair to put together and a registration sticker and license plates to put on my car. Then, hopefully in the process, I'll find my MIA driver's license.