Feb 13, 2005 10:42
Okay sum up the week....
lundi: sick sick sickity sick
mardi: Mardi Gras started obviously.....
Probably gonna get in trouble fir having "fuck" written on a note I was passing. And if we get written up Autumn wont bw able to go to her concert and she will starngle me to death. Oh Lord let her go please. But hopefully Mrs. Miller is noce enough and wont write us up since we're the good girls
mercredi: The president is here Please clear the area. The eagle is preceding from the nest I repeat the eagle is preceding from the nest WHOA LOOK OUT! haha stupid kelly and me.
jeudi: science fair. dad was a judge. ate part of loren's experiment. twas very good only needed milk. shes going to regionals. 3rd place for me. damnit......
vendredi: Delivery to capitol one. WHATS IN YOUR WALLET?
samedi: HS play. Found $20 by the pay phone. hooray for me!
dimanche: get to take my earrings out and put new ones in. rest of the day unknown so far.....
ahhh vhat a lovely veek. tune in nexttime for vindsey's veek part deux.