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The Loner
You scored 89% on Intrapersonal!
Intrapersonal: This style relates to inner states of being, self-reflection, metacognition (i.e. thinking about thinking) and awareness of spiritual realities.
If you have a solitary style, you are more private, introspective and independent. You can concentrate well, focusing your thoughts and feelings on your current topic. You are aware of your own thinking, and you may analyze the different ways you think and feel.
You spend time on self-analysis, and often reflect on past events and the way you approached them. You take time to ponder and assess your own accomplishments or challenges. You may keep a journal, diary or personal log to record your personal thoughts and events.
You like to spend time alone. You may have a personal hobby. You prefer traveling or holidaying in remote or places, away from crowds.
You feel that you know yourself. You think independently, and you know your mind. You may have attended self-development workshops, read self-help books or used other methods to develop a deeper understanding of yourself.
You prefer to work on problems by retreating to somewhere quiet and working through possible solutions. You may sometimes spend too much time trying to solve a problem that you could more easily solve by talking to someone.
You like to make plans and set goals. You know your direction in life and work. You prefer to work for yourself, or have thought a lot about it. If you don’t know your current direction in life, you feel a deep sense of dissatisfaction.
Hey! You scored 63% Visual, 75% Musical, 63% Linguistic, 50% Kinesthetic, 63% Logical, 50% Interpersonal and 89% Intrapersonal! Brilliant!
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