(no subject)

Jul 10, 2008 19:01

Went to my normal doctor appt today, and the doctor noticed the babys heart wasn't normal. every few beats, it skipped a beat. so she called right away to get me into see a specialist, but it was too late in the day and they weren't taking anyone.
So she told me to go to Labor and Delivery in the hospital. So thats where we went.
They hooked me up for almost an hour and picked up on her heart beat that was in fact, skipping.
The doctors weren't alarmed enough that I would need emergency surgery(keeping fingers crossed it stays that way) but someone is calling me tomorrow for an appointment to see a specialist who will look at her heart.

Preston was a complete angel, even though it was late in the day and he wanted dinner.
he went for a walk with daddy, and every nurse came into my room saying "are you Preston's mommy? he is sooo cute!"
he was in the hall way singing twinkle twinkle little star for everyone.
and when we left he gave them all big waves and they all told us how well behaved and mature acting he was.
im so glad he didn't pick up on any of the tension that was going on(or maybe he did and decided it would be best to behave haha)
but every person we passed in the halls waved at him and drooled over him with complements. it was sooo cute!

went to a pediatric heart specialist today. the baby is having premature heart contractions, or just skipping a beat. the doctor said in most cases it will be gone before she is born, or within 2 weeks of birth.
the fetus has a hole in her heart that will normally close up after birth (all babies have this) and the flap that is opening and closing the hole when the heart beats, is larger than normal and is slapping against the heart during beating, causing a slap then pause then the normal heart beat.
when the baby is born the hole should close up as normal and the flapping will no longer happen.

but if it doesn't, then she will have to be monitored after birth, and possible surgery.

but now i have to go to the doctor every week, maybe twice a week to get the heart beat looked at, to make sure the flap hasn't hit the heart in a certain way that could cause the baby's heart beat to become even more abnormal and shoot her heart rate up to 250.

but im cleared to go on our 3 day cabin trip in NY this weekend!!!
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