Mar 08, 2005 18:47
So today was another Annie practice. Went well i guess.
Tomorrow is my oldest brothers birthday.
I have a headache and feel like crap.
.. More than anything, i just want to talk to someone, idk, just anyone i guess. Someone who i can trust or someone worth my time. Im so tired of never thinking anyone is worth my time. Probably those who think this is them isnt. Im such a jerk.. I would totally understand if a million people hated me. Cuase like i walk through the halls, and it's not that i dont notice someone.... usually, im too shy to say anything, i dont think you like me, or the one that comes up the most i have ADD and you go in my mind and out in a split second, cause im trying to focus on something.. If i was another person, i would not wanna be my friend..
... Im stuck up. Like in my math class, alright well i have alg 1 right now cause i got an A and then a D so im just making the D higher, thats why im taking it. And i feel like im a jerk in there, like im acting like im "Too Good" for everyone else.
.. I dont believe anything anyone says. Like, if someone says something i only thing "They've probably told 100 people, and it doesnt mean anything. Also Like if it's towards me, i dont like to break down to people emotioanally, i cant/hate to/wont cry in front of anyone... So i guess now, i cant even show too much emotion.. such as "Love". I grew up with 3 brothers, tough times, not love times lol. I dont like to tell some people i love them, cause i just dont feel right, like "Family" wise
..... I need a hug, Not just a random hug, one that means something.. I need a hug.. <3