College stuff.

Feb 22, 2010 18:36

Man, being an adult sucks.

I went for my college visit to Northwest University today. Yes, it is a private christian school. It is my backup school, that way I can get in, get my Bachelors degree and go to Japan ASAP. Always good to have a backup plan. :3
Well... the entire school is about the size of Oly's /senior class./ Not the size of our school, population wise... the size of the SENIORS in Oly last year. It was pretty dead. Which was kind of unnerving, because OC is pretty big, and BC (Bellevue College, where I go now) is flipping huge and there is ALWAYS people close by.

The people are really nice, but it kind of unnerved me. Not in a horrible way, but still. Enough for me to really hope I get into UW and don't have to go with a second choice. Its nothing wrong with the people or the school... I just wouldn't feel comfortable or that I fit in. I'm spiritual, not religous. So a religious school wouldn't bug me, but I wouldn't be able to meet anyone on that level. It's just not me.

I did get to ride around the whole campus on those little golf-cart things. It was really sunny and nice, and that was cool as well. I sat in a class that consisted of TWO people. Seriously. The school is on a semester season as well, so you have multiple textbooks a class.
Overall, I could live with going to the college, but it'd just be a means to and end. My ultimate goal is to get a BA, enroll in JET and be back in Japan. My preferred way would be with a Bachelors or Minor in Japanese and some teaching classes at UW... but I'd rather not screw myself over with 'putting my eggs all in one basket'.

I am actually considering applying to some other place, like City University. They're on a rolling basis (meaning I dont have to apply 6 months ahead of time.) and they're not religious, so I won't need a reccomendation from a pastor. (I don't have a pastor, I don't really go to church since I have Rainbow.)

Busy week, blegh. I have my honor night this weekend. o_< Oh snap!

Pointless entry is pointless. I need to read 2 more chapters of Human Bio for my exam tommorrow and do a lab.

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