Jul 14, 2009 15:36
I'm back from Grand Assembly, and after a good (and desperately needed) nights sleep, I'm (maybe) ready to tackle the world! This years Grand was probably one of the best I had at-Grand, but at the hotel is kind of was harder than other years. Peoples nerves were worn down to nothing at the last night, and we had different chaperones so it was trying for everyone.
This year I was Jurisdictional Representative of Maryland. The Grandie dresses were absolutely GORGEOUS this year, and my favorite part will always be the butt-bow. It was flattering on everyone, and it really did look like they were treading on water. (Mandarrs words.)
The weekend passed by really fast. I still can't seperate the days in my mind, it was just a constant stream of Rainbow-ness. We had ritual competition on Thursday, which for the first time since I started, I was REALLY nervous about. It just so happened that the one I was most nervous about (being Worthy Advisor on a 6 girl team) was dead last. Which didn't help. But District 1 did amazing. I was Immortality for the 10 girl team, and was blown out of the water at the girls performance. No one got prompted, and I was amazed by how the Bow spoke their parts with real emotion and beauty. 6 girl did well, there were last minute changes and we stumbled (especially me, because I had to remember and had to start off and lead the rest) but we did amazing and won second place.
Practice for walkins and calvaclade was on a different day than the actual calvaclade, which was kind of hard. But it went great and Calvaclade is always the most fun. The decorations at Grand were amazing, all cruise-ship themed. There was a new backdrop and they even had a smokestack that actually smoked!
This year was the first time I could vote for the Grand Line. The voting delegates lunch was fun, and I got to see faces and names that I other would have never been able to. Voting was fun, and we actually finished before session was over! A new record time, even with all the new ceremonies and traditions that started back up this year. I was happy because one of my favorite rainbow people was elected to be Grand Worthy Associate advisor. :) I was nervous allll day. Especially at appointments. I think everyone was, because Mrs.Brown started tem without any of the J.Reps on the floor. :D We all rushed down there. District 1 got 6? Jreps, one more than last year. Then came adults (Mr. Pursey is Co-State Rainbow dad!) and then Grand offices after the protest.
I was, and pretty much have been in shock for a while. Very early in Appointments, Mrs.Brown called.. Grand Christian Flag Bearer...Silverdale... Jannah Horvath.
I got a Grand office.
I am so thankful. This year has been amazing, and it just keeps getting better. I still don't know what to say, other than I can't wait. And that I'm busy as all get out. I have less than eight days until I leave for Japan. D: The girl I'm going with is all packed... and I'm still unpacking from Grand!
So much to do, so little time!
You should all get Skype!
Thats it for now, I'll think up more later. Time is going by way too fast.