Jan 29, 2009 00:05
We got out of school early and everything.
I seriously climbed a tree for like, the first time in my life. I'm not kidding with you.
And then there was no school today. Which ROCKED.
It made me happy.
I got to sleep innnn.. It was awesome.
Other than that.. nothing's really going on.
I'm taking theatre, now, and I'm really holding out hope that this class will be good because.. well.. Trig/Pre-calc Honors is gonna suck because it's math. Spanish II isn't fun anymore because I'm not really learning anything.. Creative Writing is good, in theory, but the students in the class make it almost impossible to enjoy it. And English III AP is going to suck because I don't like my teacher and it's all about autobiographies and biographies.
So yeah, crossing fingers that it'll work out.
In other news..
~It's hard to face the holidays rest of the year without (William Beckett)...~~
So I finally changed my icon.
It's no longer Christmas William.. but I decided that a snowy time William would be appropriate, considering it's still winter, and it just snowed.
I don't know what I'm going to do for spring.. unless he puts some pictures of him up with flowers or something. lololololol.
>.< It's 12:15.. I really need to be going off to bed.
So goodnight, then.
Later, loves and lovlies.