Nov 04, 2004 20:35
Apparently the midwest and south seems to think Bush is a moral human being. Nothing like considering a recovering cokehead who's executed a mentally retarded person (and people for drug crimes) moral. Or of course I could bring up tens of thousands of dead Iraqi citizens. Let this be known, I have had it listening to the religious declare how "moral" Bush is and his belief in "life." I implore someone to explain to what the "culture of life" (just heard this on CNN) has to do with the death penalty and bombing people back to the stone age. Yes they are concerned with life, but not the life of Arabs, minorities, or other such heathen - that's long since been recognized. The religious right in this country live a sick and perverted existence, where their worship of Christ, a radical non-violent Jew, leads to the support of the rationale for bombing and terrorizing millions of people around the world. If you call yourself a Christian and support this President and his actions, then you my friend are a liar. The Christianity I've read about would readily condemn murder or I could be wrong?