heh..yeah i think i like him again =\ watever he hasnt done somthing assholish yet so its no big deal but my friends dont support me in it at all kinda sux but it doesnt matter n e way..lik sar said hes not gonna like me, wow hurts to type it kinda ughh i wish doctors didnt suck when i was born! >:0
yea so the dance is this saturday instead of the 12th? idk wtf is up with that but watever..i dont feel lik going cuz hes not gonna be there but gallies going nd jasons going nd those two kids r amazing..let me tell u !! nd jason has a surprise or sumthing? IDK! i think im gonna wear sars pink shirt nd curl my hair..yea if im feelin wavy i shall!
ok now for today! it was fun i guess, better than most! lets see..english class i was completely tired so nuthing exciting there but on the way to geo. manda nd i were talking but somthing interesting, if only i could remember! hm OHH yesterday we were walkin down the hallway nd i got a hair in my eye so manders starts freakin out nd slapping my forehead trying to get it out ! lolol oh i <3 her! ok so yea geo. was boring but then third was interesting! i had study hall nd dwayne nd i worked together cuz i told him he had to help my with my math but then chunks came over nd started doing math with me nd being all nice after he wacked me in the head..uh cool? yea so then i was jus talkin with them nd chris starts writing "chunkadizzle" on my book nd i asked him to stop cuz ppl would think i was obsessed with him so instead he writes "I LOVE CHUNKS" on it..gaaarreeeeat then he shows ricky nd goes "omg alis IN LOVE with me!" dwayne just looks at him nd goes "A SKINNY GIRL LIKES U CHRIS!! hahahahaha" ugh yea they're gay hah so then in music we had a study hall so i worked on my english nd laughed with mrs coe about ms smith that lady is crazy!=P haha so then in math we just worked on stuff...dwayne accused me of FORCING him to look in the back of the book ..nd i watched jake dance nd sing, the usual haha so yes then science we did notes then i worked with devin nd corey on a map thing..nd in history we did this wordsearch clue thing nd me nd riss jus asked dwayne everything, hm oh well! then we got 11 EXTRA CREDIT POINTS!! WOO go us!! i was thrilled! haha then in computer i jus sat there nd talked to brandon nd kyle cuz we already had our spreadsheet done! oh nd kyle kept warming is hand on the projector thingy then touchin my hand to show me he was hot lol gayyyy then i couldnt find my name on the header so i looked at kyle with the most worried face nd go "I CANT FIND IT!!" nd for some strange reason he found this hilarious nd started laughing at me wierd eh?
ugh well im tired nd i must be going to bed now..i love you<3