Jul 25, 2004 15:39
So yesterday was Warped Tour. It was a marvelous time. Me and Krista got there a little late, we got a call from Brian saying Yesterday's Rising was on stage and if we didn't hurry we would miss them. We ran our asses off. They played an incredible set. Brian introduced us to Jon and Richie. Richie gave us hugs:) We walked around with Brian for a bit. Then it was time for From First to Last so we headed over to the Smart Punk stage. Brian got us "backstage" or behind the gates for their show. They are amazing live, truly amazing! I've never seen so much energy from a band and the crowd. During that point I met Justin and Brandon of YR. After that we went to see My Chemical Romance play. They had a huge crowd and did great. Brian had to catch his plane so he left and me and Krista went back by the YR and My Chemical Romance tent. We met the two raddest merchandise guys ever. Eric was for My Chem. and Keith for YR. Krista started feeling sick so we hung out at their tent with them for most of the time. I was the first to give Keith a dollar for his backflip sign! Yay i'm so cool. Krista had a crush on Keith, it was so cute. He gave her back rubs yes yes. So the band ended up at the tent, I got a drumstick earlier from the SmartPunk stage. Keith signed it for me, and then Richie made his mark by saying "I love Blowjobs" He kissed me on the cheek, i felt special. So after Warped Tour was over...Richie asked us to stay and hang out until they had to leave for bus call. He wanted to show me their ever so comfy van. So we went there and hung out. Jon threw their dirty boxers at me while on a wild search for his phone. Then it was time to leave:( We had a wonderful time, I got Richies number. woo woo! Yea so that is extremely long..no one will read it. oh well.