(no subject)

Jun 14, 2004 03:01

name:: Ashley
nickname::Smash, Ed, ash, ashpee, 'Youngin', Muffin etc etc

birthday:: August 27th
birthplace:: Newmarket ON York Country Hospital
current mood:: tired...but awake.
current taste:: my vanilla lipgloss
current hair:: tied up and twisted crazy
current clothes:: White tank top and green hospital pants
current annoyence:: Nothing really..I am content at the moment.
current smell:: Pineapple Coconut Twist lotion-it smells like how it sounds..AWESOME. lol
current thing you ought to be doing:: sleeping?

current desktop picture:: A Brand New collage thing with lyrics of sic transit.
current favorite band:: Always Fave Matthews Band

current book:: White Oleander
current cd in sterio:: I have a playlist on my computer goin...which has teitur, jason mraz, brand new, death cab, beatles, bright eyes, muse, and yes folks...hanson. ahaha
current crush:: mmmmm... :) 
current favorite celeb:: Jake Gyllenhal...yummy
smoke:: I am a social but not social smoker? Make sense?no?do drugs:: ocassionally. nothing hard or chemical though.
have a dream that keeps coming back:: I remember I Used to always have this dream of a dog on a deck that fell down dead. It scared me to death. Seriously.

remember your first real love:: Definitely. Something I will always remember for sure
still love them:: In a way yes...but not like I used to.
read the newspaper:: If its on the kitchen table I read it.
have any gay or lesbian friends:: Indeed I do.
believe in miracles:: HA. meh sometimes I guess
believe it`s possible to remain faithful forever:: Absolutely.
consider yourself tolerant of others:: Im a very tolerant person
consider love a mistake:: There are never mistakes, Just learning experiences that aid you in life.
like the taste of alcohal:: I used too...not so much anymore
have a favorite candy:: Candy Necklaces..mmm...
believe in astrology:: Sure
believe in magic:: not nowadays...its all illusions.
believe in god:: I believe in a greater being...so yeah I guess so.
have any pets:: My puppy mojo :)

got to or plan to go to college:: Brock University..woo hoo!

have any piercings:: 11 Piercings.
have any tattoos:: Indeed (3)
hate yourself:: ummm ocassionally. I try not too.
have an obsession:: Not lately
have a secret crush:: Nah
do they know yet:: Sure?
have a best friend:: I have awesome best friends.
wish on stars:: yep
care about looks:: yea I admit I do. more then I should sometimes.
love life:: Starting to pick up?

first crush:: I'll jsut say Jon Fox..because he was the love of my life grades 1-8 haha
first kiss:: Jon fox aha
single or taken:: Single for now muahaha
ever been in love:: Yes
do you believe in love at first sight:: Defintiely infatuation at first sight...but takes alot for love at first sight I think.
describe your ideal significant other:: hmmm...Tall, cute, makes me laugh, talks about everything, is into music...an emo boy heh

word association
rubber:: duck
rock:: stone
green:: pants
wet:: dog
cry:: tears
peanut:: butter
hay:: horse
cold:: heat
steamy:: sexy
freaky:: deaky
rain:: lightning
bite:: nibble
fuck:: me. (oops)
blow:: this is getting filthy.

hair:: blonde
eyes:: grey-blue
height:: 5'4

last thing you.
bought:: gas for my car?
ate + drank:: Camomille tea and chicken wings                     read:: this survey?

club or house party:: house party
beer or cider:: beer
drinks or shots:: drinks
cats or dogs:: dogs
single or taken:: Single sometimes...taken sometimes.  
pen or pencil:: Pen
gloves or mittens:: mittens
food or candy:: Food
cassette or cd:: CD

have you ever.
dated one of your best friends:: yeah
loved somebody so much it made you cry:: yes
drank alcohol:: yes
done drugs:: yea
broken the law:: more then likely a few times
run away from home:: well if you call going next door then sure?
broken a bone:: my ankle was fucked up!
played truth or dare:: yes
kissed someone you didn`t know:: once I have...awkward situation.
been in a fight:: yea sure
come close to dying:: SOrry not lately.
the most embarrasing cd in your collection::I dont think it is embarassing but others hate it....Hanson (the whole damn collection)                                                                            what is your bedroom like:: pretty plain at home...school is AWESOME.
your favorite thing for breakfast::mmm Cheerios...PLAIN PPL!
last person you.
talked to:: caitlin
im`ed::  I cant remember man.
hugged:: Breen
kissed:: Breen
had a serious conversation with:: hmm 'serious' eh...well..cait?
yelled at:: my dad
befriended:: the boys from the weekend

random questions.
what`s on your bedside table:: Clock, pictures of my girls and me and my mom, cell phone, lotion etc..                            what do you eat when you raid the fridge late at night:: mostly leftover food...or crackers.                                                   what is your secret guaranteed weeping movie:: hummm...aha A walk to remember for sure                                                 if you could have plastic surgery, what would you have done:: Liposuction baby. Suck the fat outta me! :s                         what feature are you most insecure about:: my legs
do you ever have to beg:: for what? I got what I need
are you a pyromaniac:: nope
do you know anyone famous:: hmmm not really no
describe your bed:: blue bedframe with my leopard print bedspread my mumma made me
spontaneous or plain:: plainly spontaneous * I liked this answer!
do you know how to play poker:: I definitely do not            how do you drive:: im a grama....sometimes
what do you miss most about being little:: The way things used to be at home...
how much money would it take to get you to give up the internet for a year:: 50 million...no joke. Its sad I know. 
what color is your bedroom:: a pale yellow
what was the last song you were listening to:: poetry and aeroplanes by teitur                                                                               do you talk a lot:: depends .... I can if i want too.
do you like yourself and believe in yourself:: ocassionally.
do you think you`re cute:: sometimes
do poor, homeless, or starving people sometimes annoy you:: never...I wish I could help them more.
do people in general annoy you:: yea they can....but they have to really really get to me.
pick a word that describes you best:: this isnt a word..but a phrase.."Her mind was a very big house, we got lost there for hours"-You can just take it soo many different ways
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