May 02, 2004 13:51
the show last night was sooo great. so much fun, all the bands were amazing. white knuckle excitement, full draw, get the ammo (KILL THE WORLD!!!), on watership down, before this last breath. then the two i wasnt that thrilled for was tababooya, and some other band whose name i forgot.
white knuckle excitement: they used to be noisecore, and they had a few different members, but now theyre straight up hardcore, and very good. much mosh.
full draw: always, ALWAYS a good time. konrad couldnt make it, unfortunately, so they got the singer for get the ammo to fill in.
on watership down: theyre like a punk/hardcore mix, fun band, great singalongs, MOSH MOSH SKANK MOSH TWO STEP!
before this last breath: double vocal onslaught!!!!! SOOOOOOOO good, sooo different! they fucking BROUGHT IT!
GET THE AMMO!!!!!: this band brought the most mosh. this was the band that i sustained the most battle scars from. for this band, i endured the following: a kick to the ribs, a punch to the side of the head, being thrown (unintentionally) out of my wheelchair (which had EVERYONE on the floor helping to pick me up, which was SO goddamned cool of them :)), and now i am sore as a bitch.
AND they got a lot of shit on video!
me and a bunch of dudes from bands and dudes who knew them were in the parking lot and one kid would jump up from outta nowhere and scare the bejeezus out of random passersby.. SOO hilarious. then they got one of the guitarists for GTA to temporarily steal my wheelchair, and just ride around in it. EVERYBODY was laughing so hard. it was so hilarious, because on top of that, the kid was piss fucking drunk HAHAHA. then during, i think it was on watership down, the same dude wanted to get on my wheels whilet i rolled around, and started moshing and shit. fucking hilarious. they got that on tape too. i seriously will pay whatever price to get a copy of this, if copies are ever made.
all in all, i had a better time than you did. haha. later d00dzzz.