Screenshot folder cleaning day!

Oct 11, 2010 13:09

Well, the patch is around the corner and Cataclysm's coming in December. Have some screenshots of my silly WoW adventures to date :D

I have no idea how my screenshots folder organized these, so they're all in random order.

I love this quest, and I loved it even more on my shadow priest :3 So cool.

♪ I can show you the woorrrrllddddd~~~ Ooonnn a shaaadowy caaaaarrrrrrpetttt...♪

O hay guize, just doing some angry night the forest...

C'mon, guys, don't run! I'm a nice bear D: (I have a whole series of these. The NPCs in Moonglade were aggro'd onto something and were bugging out chasing it around. My poor bear just couldn't keep up)

Im in ur box, warmin ur eggz. Man, the things feral druids get into >_>

I also had a nice candlelit dinner with my druid a couple of days before the old cat and bear forms went the way of the dodo. Lest we forget.

Sometimes I miss the hideous old bear form. Not really that much, though.

My mage made a new friend! He invited her to dinner, but we had a dungeon to run, unfortunately (Actually, this mob was dead and kind of floating there all creepy-like. Seemed like the perfect opportunity to make a friend, though, am I right?)

Ooh ooh! For Winter Veil this year, I'd like a pony, please :D

Zach's rogue and my pally sharing a romantic summoning stone-lit...something. I dunno how I convinced him to get up there with me >_>

I finally got to sit in Arthas' lap :3

Caelynn cheering for Level 70 Elite Tauren Chieftain in the Grim Guzzler, possibly during Brewfest last year? I can't imagine another reason for me to have been in BRD >_>

Caelynn finally got to pose with Arthas, too :3

...and again. I couldn't have her sit in his lap because she was unfortunately swallowed by his crotch :c

On the last day of Brewfest my prize keg gave to meeeeee~ Yes, I absolutely did get it on the last day of Brewfest after having run Coren Direbrew multiple times daily across 4 toons (and on Caelynn herself for 2 years straight), I FINALLY GOT HIM. Aren't we dashing?

I'll admit I like setting up photoshoots in WoW. It's just challenging enough to be interesting, and there's plenty of scenery to work with. Dang. Now I miss my little priesty :c

What kind of jerk would I be if I never took a glamor shot with my beloved Charger? He's Crusader Aura'd me all around the world. Also, pally mounts are cool <3

Here's a shot of me tormenting Zach for screenshots together just before the WotLK release. We were all hanging at the harbor, killin' frost wyrms. Aren't we adorable? :D

Agh we're so cute ;u; This is the only way Caelynn can get face-to-face kisses from Tothe <3

Caelynn's always had a bit of a creepy...thing for the Lich King I guess? Probably not, but I definitely have a thing for taking screenshots with him >_>

Gnomes get into the darnedest places, don't they?

...Oh. I guess draenei get into the darnedest places also :b

Haha awww :3 My first proto-drake. I was so proud. This is still clearly the best mount. Check out the epic green and purple color combo! My favorite colors, together at last on a mount <3

I remember spending quite some time trying to get to the very tippy top of this pole...all for a fairly lame series of screenshots :P

...And that's finally it! I'd like to do something with my epic screenshots folder someday. I have so many, and I hate for them to be rotting away in there :\

Anyway, happy Monday!

pictures, screenshots, random, wow

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