Blahblahblah random life update possibly interspersed with some art, idk.
I'll get all of my complaints out of the way first. My car absolutely terrified me by just up and going dead in the middle of a semi-busy highway last week. Luckily, it broke down just a few miles from my parents' house and dad came and had it towed for me.
We took it to the mechanic, who declared it was the distributor, so he replaced it for $500. It died again in a parking lot the next day. Apparently, dad doesn't intend to ask the mechanic wtf the $500 was for if it's still going dead. Hmm.
I think I have too much stuff on my plate at the moment, but it should clear up a bit before this weekend.
My best friend (the one who moved to Virginia of all places) is back until Friday! We've been sitting around our apartment watching movies and eating popsicles. Omnomnom! So that's taking up quite a bit of my time that I should be using to work on commissions :\ Bad Courtney.
Commissions. I forgot how I get about these kinds of things. I have a ton of fun sketching and getting characters right, but then as soon as we get to a point where I need to start thinking about FINISHING the piece, I get all procrastinator-y and push things off. EXTRA BAD COURTNEY.
Also? I keep distracting myself with art projects that I want to finish for myself. Bummer. I joined
wow_artxchange before last month's round started and have been LOVING IT. Basically, it's sort of a secret santa exchange-type dealy with your WoW characters. So far, I've drawn two Belfs for people:
Kae for
kaelash . Like I said over in the
post to the community, I can safely cross Belf nipples off my list of things I never thought I'd draw. :o
And this month's for
isteillia . Another Belf :D This time, a hunter with all of his pets :) Cute cute cute. Also, enjoy the Eversong Woods background that I screengrabbed then filtered the crap out of. I seriously COULD NOT get any other background techniques to work for me :c
And I have the stuff people have drawn for me as well! Last month, I got this gem from
xella :
AAaaaah! It's my main, my love, my pally, Caelynn <3 So freaking adorable - AND GREEN NAIL POLISH? Would you believe I was wearing green nail polish when I opened this? YESSSSSS. Again, art by
xella !
This month, I got
isteillia (I just figured out that she runs the exchange. DERP.) and she got me! She did not one but TWO pictures of my beloved shadow priest, Aelynd:
Aelynd loves goats. LOVES THEM.
isteillia totally caught on to my irrational love for goats and did this for meeeee~ I need to pick her brain about how she did that FUR. LOVE.
And she said she wasn't totally happy with the lineart, so she did this one as well :D omfg shadowfiends :D :D :D Or, more appropriately, "shadurp fiends" as
isteillia put it :D
Anyway, yes,
wow_artxchange is a total BLAST. There's no skill requirement or anything, you can do as little as clean sketching or as much as you want, and it is EXCELLENT PRACTICE. It's something with a deadline, character types I would normally never draw, and uh, it's just pretty much perfect for me. I'm really glad to be getting all this practice in <3 I'm already antsy about next month's signups :P
Aaaand that's about all the art I can safely post just this minute :) I have a couple of commissions I'm working on, but it wouldn't be fair to post them to the world until the commissioners are 100% happy with them :D
I posted art, so now I'm going to ramble about WoW for a bit. I just can't help myself XD
I'm leveling my fourth and final healer at the moment, a Shaman. I'm having the same problem on her that I had on my priest right around this level. I think I like DPSing on her as much as, if not more than healing. This is probably due to the fact that I'm right in the (in my opinion) worst few levels in the game. 50-58 blows, you guys. I've only seen two instances in the LFD for the past forever, and since they're technically high-end(ish) vanilla content, groups still have a tendency to stumble through them.
BRD is the bane of my existence. I have horror stories from this place. When I leveled my priest through, I ended up healing a four hour BRD run. The tank didn't know where to go, which is excusable, but we wiped TWICE in the Lyceum, and had to run back, with various people dropping group all the while, because the tank couldn't understand what myself and the shaman were telling him about killing and moving QUICKLY. Also? I had a hunter scream at me for not healing him. Okay, well, you're not a tank. You pull aggro and don't feign death or drop a trap? Eat floor. I bubbled him, but it wasn't enough, AND I was OOM, which I stated very clearly in party chat. "Let me drink real quick. Stop pulling, please." When we finally got that down, we wiped on the final boss TWICE again. Let me tell you, the run back was NO picnic. I would give Blizzard a shiny piece of my soul to fix the run back to BRD :c
My shammy has been leveling almost exclusively through the LFD system, just like my priest did. She's 57 now, and only has about 30 minutes worth of leveling to do before she can go to Outland. The problem is, I can't go to Outland yet because I've been ultra lazy on the shammy and haven't leveled any professions yet. Boo. So I picked up mining and jewelcrafting, since I don't have a single toon with either of those professions (except my mage, who I haven't played in a couple of months now, woe :c) and have been ignoring leveling to finish getting those to 300 so I can pick right up in Outland. I bought dual-spec for her, since her elemental spec was starting (finally) to give me some trouble while healing. It wasn't bad, it was just clear that I might need a little extra oomph to my healing to make things go smoother so I don't have to spam so much. People were always surprised that I did so well healing in an elemental spec, but come on. It's like two buttons with a shaman XD
Caelynn got a new mace finally! I've been running around with a ToC10 mace (I know, wtf?) since, well, since ToC10 was the bee's knees, you know? That's a long time. It was also the last piece of gear below 245 that I had on me. It HAD to go. Now, I think I just need to replace a couple of 245 pieces (omg my shield from ToC25) and I'll be all in ICC-level gear :D Alas, I'm having trouble making myself go to ICC10s since we don't have a regular group, and most PuGs fall apart right around Putricide now, and there's absolutely nothing in there for me until Sindragosa and LK :\
I almost got in a fight with a shaman in an ICC25 last week. We had 3 holy pallies, herself, and two druids healing. Somehow, despite my bigger mana pool and better gear than the third pally, I got assigned to OOT/raid heals. We almost never used an OOT, so I pretty much had to sit there and spot heal the raid. Raid healing on a holy pally can be fun, but not with two druids and a shaman taking care of everyone. So anyway, my healing numbers didn't look so great, but I can tell you, if I was a MT or OT healer with my beacon up constantly, I would have come out much MUCH better. Actually, I DID outheal the other holy pally who was on OT duty pretty consistently. Anyway, we got to Dreamwalker (my used-to-be favorite fight) and the shaman starts bitching about my and the other pally's performance, calling us out for doing low-ish heals. I kept my mouth shut, because I should have just dropped group when I saw that there were two other holy pallies in the raid, but seriously? Fuck her. I could out-heal her with my hands tied behind my back if I was allowed to actually use my amazing pally-ness, but no, the raid leader was the first holy pally, so since my GS was pretty close to his, he bumped me to third healer so I couldn't come close to his numbers, and I got screwed. BUT BUT BUT screw that shaman, because despite not being allowed to go into the portals, I WAAAAAAAAAY out-healed every other healer in there (except for the two who DID get to go in and pop their bubbles and get their stacks). So yeah, even without Beacon up, I MURDERED those healing charts. Also? Healing charts don't mean dick. Fuck you, shaman. Fuck you. Feels good to get that off my chest.
My priest is right at that juncture where she could SERIOUSLY benefit from some ToC or ICC runs, but I can't get into ToC because no one ever runs it anymore unless it's the weekly, and I can't do ICC because people are requiring a 5.4k GS just to get in. I don't have any other way to acquire gear for her right now other than frost badges, but I can only get 2 of those per day from the stupid dungeon finder. FFFFFF. I'd really like to see what she can do, but heroics are boring and the weekly raid is my best chance at getting to do any REAL dps other than VoA, which is overrun with overgeared jerkwads, who are all quick to point out my not-that-very-low gearscore.
Anyway, omg. I rambled to kill time at work. These summer months are sooooooooooo long and boring :c