(no subject)

Jan 20, 2005 20:36

Is it possible to love some one more than before?

Well...First off thats how I feel, but there is a few things that make me not feel like that.

I hate people using people for other examples just to show me something that is wrong.

I mean why not explain it instead of doing that and end up causing a fight.

I'm not really understanding that, but I can tell there will be a fight.

I also hate when people have to bring other people in to *OUR* business and end the end making me look like a horrible person.

I mean I know alot of people from other places that think Im the worst person because people just tell them about all the bad things that happen.

That REALLY irritates me.

I really wish things didn't have to be like this.

I wish everything could be fine & when something does happen people don't go telling other people!!!

I really wish that OUR business was OUR business and other GIRLS/guys didn't have to be apart of it and didn't have to be a display of my wrongs.

I think that is really uncalled for.

& yes I know I might do some uncalled for things or unecessary things but I mean come on using people for DISPLAYS???

Anyways this is getting long so yea I think I've complained enough now!!

Bye bye!

I love you Brandon sorry if I offended you in any kind of way But DANG!!
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